Tuesday, February 20, 2018


Well, normally I love storms. I really do, the crazier the storm the better. Of course I'm hunkered down in my apartment, safe from the elements and usually quite prepared for bad weather... and I am for this one, though I don't know how 'crazy' the storm will be.
There's a freezing rain warning up and when I was watching CBC this morning, the weather lady said that we MAY experience freezing rain for up to.... 14 hours! Now, normally, that would be super, super bad news. But given that the time period for the freezing rain is from around 7PM tonight until tomorrow morning sometime and the most important part of all this is that the temperature isn't going to drop after the storm but rise to near +12 to +16 Celsius.
So, normally with a freezing rain storm, the temp would drop afterwards, encasing the World in ice and making everything and anything outside dangerous, but given the mild temps coming up, that which is frozen should thaw and melt.

Ok, so I download movies and sometimes I see something and I'll check it out to get the gist of what the movie is about. The other day I came across 'Grindhouse Nightmares'... DON'T download, rent or buy this movie. Please take my word for it, it's horrible. It might sound good, the cover poster might look great, but it's horrible. Somehow they seemed to get Michael Madsen to appear in it, I can't see them having the money to pay him or maybe that was where the budget for the movie went. I'd hope that it isn't listed in his IMDB... They call it a 'Gangster Musical'....
It starts off with a horrible short, then it goes into a bunch of fake trailers (which Madsen appears in several of).... There's one with some Nazi naked girls cutting people up which was kinda cool... Seriously, I'm watching this as I type and it's getting worse and worse....

It was movies like this that pushed Mike Fields and I to start working on our own script, 'Mutant Baby'... We even shot some tests with a puppet 'Mutant Baby' that Fields made.
We were working on it during the time period that the FX shop we were employed at had been nominated for an Emmy Award and Fields and I did a phone interview with CBC New Brunswick.
During the interview we brought up the 'Mutant Baby' concept, in which when asked what the synopsis was, Fields replied, "Well it's about a mutant baby that takes over Vancouver", to which the CBC then went on to call our plan of a movie, 'Mutant Baby Takes Over Vancouver'... Which is an awfully long title... I think the local rag, the Daily Gleaner (a very thin an mostly useless local newspaper in Fredericton), also interviewed us and also called the film, "Mutant Baby Takes Over Vancouver".... Mike ended up busy on movies and I had started working with Electronics Arts, but the script is till here and still pretty cool (If I do say so myself).

One of our good friends while working at Lindala Make Up Effects, Geoff Redknap actually pulled off a major indie horror flick in 2016 called 'The Unseen' (not to be confused with the 1980's 'The Unseen' or the 2017 'The Unseen'). I think it might be available on Netflicks Canada and possibly some of the other 'movie rental' companies. I've never seen it myself, I've seen the trailer and some excerpts, Mike Fields and a gang of our other friends did make up FX for the film, so you know that's top notch and on IMDB, it gets some great ratings.
WATCH this movie by my friend called, 'The Unseen'!

That might not be THE trailer for Geoff's flick, but it's the closest I could get with this damn 'Blogger' website, that only allows to 'search' a video's title and usually brings up everything EXCEPT what you're looking for.

Sometimes people ask me if I miss working in the tv/film industry. That's a tough one, as we had a fucking blast. Crazy times, crazy experiences but on the flipside, crazy hours, crazy workloads and working with (not necessarily taking) crazy chemicals; the latex foams, urethane skins, clay dust and other noxious chemicals were horrible for one's health. But you have to 'weigh' this, incredible opportunities with the bad. I couldn't handle the hours and the chemicals these days. So, yes, I miss it, no, I wouldn't go back to it.
We had so many great times. So many stories to tell. I have a bunch of VHS tapes that I need to get converted to digital, but I need to see them before I send them out to get digitized, hehe, just have to see if there's any incriminating evidence on them before other eyes are subjected to the craziness that was 'the shop'

I had signed up years ago on Google for some 'alerts'. You select what 'titles' for alerts you want, then when there's news, they'll send you an email on the subjects you've chosen. For instance, I like to keep up on what's shakin' in North Korea, so I get emails on their nuclear program and general news on anything 'disruptive' going on there. Also, I have keen interests in space news and developments. so I get news on Ion engine development, new planets found, news from Mars and on new findings in the universe.
One of the other alerts i get is on 'Gobekli Tepe', the ancient site in Turkey that has started to overturn and rewrite the history of us humans.
Here's a link to some info on Gobekli Tepe - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%B6bekli_Tepe
It's an amazing site that is not even half uncovered. I'm a little worried about the site now that it's discoverer has passed on. Klaus Schmidt who found the site or rather found it again, but uncovered much of what's been discovered up until his passing a few years ago. Schmidt wasn't beyond having, hmm those who were not academic archaeologists, explore the site and was very open about his findings. Since his passing the site has been taken over by other powers and even a huge, nay, massive structure has been built over the site to keep out prying eyes and to protect it from the elements. Given that so much remains to be uncovered and given that the site is rewriting our history, it's not been beyond mainstream archaeologists to 'bury' the truth of some sites. Now i'm not saying they are covering up evidence of alien intervention in mankinds evolution from hunter/gatherers to farming and civilization, but we just had more transparency before and now, we might not. Given the sensitive nature of what may be uncovered, there's just no reassurance that ground breaking, amazing finds may be concealed, especially if they run against the grain of the current narrative.... Know what I mean?

So today i got an 'Gobekli Tepe' email alert, and sometimes, the stories have nothing to do with Gobekli Tepe, except to name it in the article. This particular article on an excavation in Sweden was pretty interesting.
Here's the article:

8000-Year Old Underwater Burial Site Reveals Human Skulls Mounted On Poles

(phys.org) - - A team of researchers with Stockholm University and the Cultural Heritage Foundation has uncovered the remains of a number of Mesolithic people in an underwater grave in a part of what is now Sweden. In their paper published in the journal Antiquity, the group describes the site where the remains were found, the condition of the remains and also offer some possible explanations for the means by which the remains found their way to the underwater burial site.

People living during the Mesolithic were hunter-gatherers, the researchers note, which is why the burial site and its contents are so surprising. At the time of its use, the burial site would have been at a shallow lake bottom covered with tightly packed stones upon which the remains of humans had been laid. The remains were all skulls, save for one infant. The adult skulls (except one) were missing jawbones, and at least two of the skulls showed evidence of a stick thrust through the opening at the base through the top of the skull—normally associated with posting a skull to scare enemies. But hunter-gatherers were not known for posting skulls or engaging in gruesome funeral rituals. Instead, they were known for disposing of their dead in simple, respectful ways.

The gravesite was found in what is now southern Sweden, near an archaeological site known as Kanaljorden. Archeologists have been working at the site since 2009, but it was not until 2011 that the human remains were found—until that time, researchers had been finding animal remains. To date, the researchers have found the remains of 11 adults. In another surprise, the team discovered that all of the adult skulls bore signs of trauma—each had been whacked in the head multiple times. But the trauma was inflicted differently depending on gender. The males were hit on top or near the front of the head, while the females were typically hit from behind. None of the wounds appeared life-threatening, however, though without the rest of the corpse, it was impossible to identify what had killed them.

Cranium F318 with wooden stake. Photograph: Fredrik Hallgren. Credit: Antiquity (2018). DOI: 10.15184/aqy.2017.210

The researchers are unable to offer an explanation for what they have found at the site, though they suggest it was possible the victims had died or been killed elsewhere and then transported to the burial site. Possibly because they were considered exceptional in some way.

Read more at: https://phys.org/news/2018-02-year-underwater-burial-site-reveals.html#jCp

So much cool stuff happening around the planet! AND Off the planet:

(spaceweather.com) - - THE ROADSTER AND THE STAR CLUSTER: Elon Musk's cherry red Tesla Roadster is doing things no electric car has ever done before. On Feb. 6th it left Earth onboard a Falcon Heavy Rocket. On Feb. 8th it crossed the orbit of the Moon. Yesterday, the Roadster paid a visit to a star cluster:

"I captured this series of photos from my cozy home office in New Jersey using a remote-controlled 0.5-meter telescope at the Chilescope observatory a few hours north of Santiago, Chile," says Michael Keith. "The Roadster was at a distance of 3.7 million km from Earth--a new record! Although it is was very dim (about magnitude 19.8) I wanted to try to capture it because it was close in the sky to a nice globular star cluster: NGC 5694 is much farther away than the Tesla Roadster, alnost 115,000 light years from Earth."

Since NASA published orbital elements for the Roadster on Feb. 8th, amateur astronomers have been tracking the electric car, with groups leapfrogging over one another in an effort to capture the most distant photo of this unique spacecraft. Among photos submitted to Spaceweather.com, Keith's is the record holder. For reference, 3.7 million km is almost 10 times farther from Earth than the Moon. This record will surely fall as astrophotographers around the world continue tracking the interplanetary Roadster. Whether anyone can take a more beautiful photo than Keith did, however, remains unknown. Stay tuned!
Source link: http://spaceweather.com/

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