Saturday, February 17, 2018

When Kitties Attack - The Sequel - The Bloody Paw Wars!

So, those that followed me on FB knows well enough that Elsa is CWAZY! She's been so since I got her.
I've written about her tactics, slapping paintings, unplugging outlets and have written about, that at night when I go to bed, I have to play with her or else.. Or else, she'll attack when I slip into bed.

Knowing this, when I go to bed, I keep a hoodie on, so that IF she attacks, I can swing my legs under my sheets and my top half is protected.

Last night I had been in bed quite a while and I had woke up and kinda thought my oil heater was too close to some stuff, I didn't see Elsa around, but I got out of bed in my underwear and short sleeve shirt, moved the oil heater quickly and as I swung myself back into bed, I felt something furry by my legs. I had managed to get my legs under my sheets, but Elsa was already on me, biting and scratching into my arm and back. I tried to hide my arms under the sheets, but then she'd just attack my back. I needed to get my hoodie on... So as I'm reaching for it, I keep it on my headboard, so it's nice and handy, Elsa is wrapping herself around my arm and sinking her teeth and claws in. The more I say, 'No!' or 'Don't!' it seems the more agitated she gets lol... So I managed to get my hoodie on and protect my head and arms, back... The last time this happened, she actually had got up behind me on my headboard and jumped full on, all four feet on my head, I had my hood up which saved my scalp!

Anyhow, so I had my hood up, Elsa had come around to the side of me, tail flailing, whipping back and forth, a worked up kitty. I'm sayin, 'Elsa! No!' and her tail just whips back and forth.. So I laid down and was kinda fearful that she might go for my face, which so far, she's never done.

That kitty is whack!

After 'publishing' this post, I had just finished supper and came into the living room to find Elsa doing something newly crazy... She's standing on the cushion of the big comfy chair my neighbor gave me when he got a new chair for Christmas from his wife. So, Elsa is standing there, her hair is almost raised up and she's biting into the fabric of the arm of the chair...
I ask her, 'What in the name of Samhain are you doing???' And she looks at me and then bites back into the chair arm and continues to maul on it ..... This cat ain't right in the head... I think she mighta been dropped and bonked her head... She's the weirdest animals I've ever had... But, I love her, she's my kiddo and if anything, my 'weirdness' has passed onto her lol

In about 10 minutes from posting this, The Crazy Train, with it's new host Johnny James Dio will be on, he's gonna give the Wasteland Zombies some airplay.

Check it out at: and then click on the Pop Up player in the upper right hand corner of the webpage!

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