Wednesday, February 14, 2018


The End is not 'nigh, the end is here....

Today was a gorgeous day. I just noticed that the website I've been going to and I originally asked Google, How Many Days Until Spring 2018? And now it says 18... Bit in reality, I don't know where the fuck 'Google' got that answer from, but it's actually like 33 days until March 20th... The first day of Spring... Either way, the weather has warmed up. Today was just above freezing, tomorrow, we're headed for a high of +6 Celsius! W00T! 
Now, I'm aware that it's February, so we could have more blizzards, snowstorms, icestorms, invasions by killer whales, you name it. We ain't in the clear until June... But, that being said, we're in the midst of some really nice temps. Lookin at the rest of the week the temps up in Fredericton here are all around freezing or just above or a smattering below.

I've moved from weeks of Black Sabbath to Pantera and High On Fire, more music from SLEEP. Don't know what's sparked this spat of Doom-ish, Stoner Rock but it's happenin'. I'll need something for sure to wipe the sound of the Furby organ outa my brain....

Horrible to see yet another mass shooting in Florida.... Wonder who'll get the blame for this one.

Before Christmas I had been searching for some kind of skull to get stitched onto my cowboy hat.... "What? A cowboy hat? Why would Chris have a cowboy hat???" you might ask...

Well, it's a story.... In 1996 maybe 1997 while working at the FX shop, Toby got a contract to work on this kid's TV show pilot in Edmonton, it was called 'Why TV', not to be confused with Y TV... It was about this alien and some human and they'd time travel to different era on certain educational subjects...
We arrived in the Summer, I think it mighta been like late June or July. The television studio we shot in was famous for having been the place that SCTV moved to in it's later days. That was damn cool to walk hallowed halls where John Candy, Rick Moranis and Martin Short walked.

Being the long haired Metal dude I am and being in Edmonton, the guys at the TV station were candidly and not so candidly poking fun at my long hair. So, I figured since I was in the home Province of the cowboys, the best steak, oil and gas, I'd get myself a cowboy hat and show them!
So, I bought em a genuine beaver felt hat! I've had it for years, don't wear it much, but I was on a 'The Cult' kick a month or so ago and it reminded me that Ian Astbury used to wear a cowboy hat with this sick skull on it and it got me a thinkin.... So I started to scour the internets for a really cool skull... But I was kinda at a loss of how he'd actually got it on the hat. I had assumed he'd got a skull belt buckle and had someone stitch it to the hat. So that was my goal.
I found this cool Skull:

Ordered it and before long it was mine. So now, I just need to get it affixed to the hat. I gotta take it to a couple shops downtown to see if they can pulled it off.
And I'm hoping that it'll look like this 'mock up' I made:

So that's the plan... Now I just gotta find the right business who can do it. I think I gotta place, but I just have to get down there and see if they can do it up.

Nifty eh?

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