Monday, February 5, 2018

Couple Local/Maritime Indie Metal Videos

So, seeing the 'Metal videos', it might bring up in your mind... "Didn't the Wasteland Zombies shoot a music video like LAST January?".... Well, yes we did! I just saw the second editing pass the other evening. It's coming along great.
I'd mentioned before that the video is somewhat out of our 'hands', as it's not OUR music video, but a piece of a movie called 'Kill Scene' being shot by local indie film makers 'Creeker productions'.
So after we shot the video last January (2017) for the song 'Kill Scene - Zombie Nation' (which was written for the movie/video) the editing went to a guy in Saint John, the film maker had offered the guy money, but he refused, good for a budget, but it didn't quite 'lock' him in to finishing the editing. So since that time the video went through another editor or two before ending up where it is now. I'm not even too sure of the guys name, but he's doing a fantastic job! Jared the films producer, director hasn't given us a date for when it would be finished or released, but it's all good. It's part of his movie, thus it's his baby. All I can say is that it's going too look and sound great and what more could a band ask for that really didn't put a dime into the video (we did pay our own gas for going up to Moncton and back). We had a blast doing the video and I thank Jared every chance I can for the opportunity.

So speaking of Metal videos, a good friend of mine from Nova Scotia and his band 'Brass Knucklehead' just put up a Youtube video for their song 'Outside' - Scott Wild the band's frontman and I first met at the Maritime Metal & Hard Rock Festival, the second one, which I forget what year it was.. Like 2014 I think. Scott's a great guy and hard rocker and it was great to see that he's got this band together. Check out the video (Just image based) 'Outside':
Well this is a pain in the ass, The 'Blogger' features have a 'Insert video' tab, but it won't let you put in link, it just lets you search for it and the video it'self isn't coming up, so you'll have to click a link:

My good friend Tom Purvis, local artist and guitarist for the 'Green Lung Grinders' let me know they were about to release a music video for their song 'Carcinogenitalia' and today it came out.
Tom did the editing, not too sure who shot it for them, but for his first music video he did a great job: (tried to search for it, but it didn't come up in the 'Insert Video' feature either dang it!)

Today was a brutal day. The weather's been mild and crazy, right now it appears as though there's a snow squall going down... The temperature yesterday was down around the -20's then shot up above freezing, loads of rain (In Saint John, just an hour away, there's no snow left)... But we got loads of snow left.... The temperatures going to drop back down below freezing tonight with highs a little more seasonable for the next week or so. But again, it's these vast swings in temperatures that are clubbing me like a baby seal.
I did get outside with my ax and shovel to try and break up a path for me on the driveway.... With all this rain, mild temperatures there gonna be lots of puddles and then of course when the temps go below freezing it's gonna make for treacherous walking. Even IF, I did take the bus in this city, I'd still have to walk to the bus stops... I have used my ice cleats a couple times, with my old boots they didn't seem to want to fit on the boots and always fell off, but they seem to stay on my newer boots.
My path didn't turn out so well. A good part of the driveway I was trying to get through had ice that was just over an inch thick! In other parts the rainfall and water traveling beneath the ice made it easy to break up. I threw down some salt on the rough spots and thought I'd wait an hour or two and then go out and try to break it up, but it just is too thick.

Last night while I was getting ready for bed, I was rinsing some dishes off when I started to hear this *thud, thud, thud, thudthud* and looked out my front door to see that all the snow on the garage had slid off, it's a good thing i wasn't going to or coming back from my 'shack out back' when they happened!

I'll leave you all with a screen grab from our music video:
Bloody good eh?

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