Tuesday, February 6, 2018

There's a Freakin' Car Headed To Mars!!

I know, I know, I posted about this already, but I'm just ecstatic about this launch.
Elon Musk has done in like a decade what NASA hasn't done since they put a man on the Moon! Well ok, the space shuttle technology was pretty dang sleek too... But NASA's budget cuts and missions and politics, well it's driven the 'space race' into the private sector and Elon Musk, with Space X, Bigelo Space and some others have been working on amazing new technology.

Musk said of his new heavy lift rocket that it was akin of having an airplane that can fly all over the World and drop you off and then use take more passengers and fly off, compared to a NASA plane that could take passengers to a place on Earth, open a parachute and land, and never be used again. Elon's rocket boosters are not throw-away, they land on their own and can be reused. So it's much, much cheaper and more efficient than any other rocket on the planet.!

|Elon didn't want to chance possibly blowing up someone elses satellite worth millions of dollars, so he took his old roadster and put it on top of the rocket and sent it up!
It's now going to go into a long orbit around the Earth, Sun and as far as Mars. A friend on a web forum I frequent said that in like a 100 or 200 years it'll be THE most expensive collectible EVER!

They sat a dummy in the car seat called 'The Space Man' and the cars radio has David Bowies 'Life On Mars' playing on a loop.
Mind blowing! I've got all kinds of NASA gear, now I'm gonna have to save up for some Space X merch, I got a new space hero!

Here's a link to watch the roadster as it journeys through space!

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