Sunday, February 11, 2018

Storms & Sphinx's

Well, kinda another storm. Good hunk of snow, they nixed the heavy rainfall warning so that's probably good, though we didn't escape from the freezing rain.
Bright side? The temperatures are gonna be pretty mild all week, I think there's a -9 day in here somewhere. Under 18 days until Spring! It's getting closer, I can smell it!

Now then, in 2010, 8 years ago, I stood on the Giza plateau. I walked around the pyramids, later in the trip I'd walk through temples that only the pharoahs, high priests and Egypt's elite had set foot in.
My hands touched the walls of temples that were 3 to 4000 years old.

Of course, I stood by the Sphinx, more precisely, I stood beside it as one can't really stand in front of it, unless you're quite a distance away....

To get to the Sphinx you have to approach it from the front, you wind your way through what is called the 'Sphinx Temple', had I known, I would have observed this temple more closely. Because the Sphinx Temple is a wonder unto itself.

Those who believe, and I count myself among them, that the Sphinx is far older than mainstream archaeologists believe.
Robert Schoch, an American geologist, has done studies on the ground, in the Sphinx enclosure, if you look at the rocks that surround the Sphinx enclosure you can see weathering of the rocks. Now, the mainstream folks say that this has been done by wind over thousands of years.
Weathering allegedly done by wind....
But through Schochs studies, he believes and he's NOT an archaeologist, he's a professional, tenured GEOLOGIST, that this type of erosion is / was done by rain, by running water. 
Myself, and I ain't no geologist or archaeologist, but after reading, watching, learning seeing documentaries, books by not just by Schoch, but by others, I believe Schochs point of view and his studies.
Now, for Schochs theory to be correct and by the science it looks as though he is, the last time that water rained down on this area of Egypt, when water would have poured down over the Sphinx enclosure would have been thousands of years before many believe. 
As far as looking online for examples of wind erosion of limestone (which is what type of rock surrounds the Sphinx enclosure), this one photo of among many.

Ok, let's try another:
Albeit, I admit it looks somewhat similar to the Sphinx enclosure erosion, it also looks way different. 

So how old are we talking about here? How old do they think the Sphinx might actually be? 6,700 to 9000 years ago!
IF, as many believe the head of the Sphinx is not the original, it's believed that  Pharaoh Khafre was the one who MAY have carved the head of the Sphinx for his own purposes (many Pharaoh, such as Ramses II reclaimed, defaced, reworked, built over many many 'older' structures in Egypt). Khafre is allegedly the one who renovated the Sphinx as it was in considerable disrepair. So, given that the Sphinx has the body of a lion, it's believed by some that the original head was exactly that, a lion.

It's been proven that the pyramids are aligned to the stars and the Sphinx, facing the East, it's believed it was originally aligned with Leo, the Egyptians knew much about astronomy, like a lot. So, if through the process of precession (the stars movement across the night sky through time), we find that the last time that Leo rose over the Sphinx was .... 6,700 to 9000 years ago.... Go figure eh?

So, back to the temple. Now when they (the ones who originally built the Sphinx were carving out the enclosure), were going to carve out the Sphinx, they had to remove loads of rock from around it. One would think, if this rock was just throw-away material, that it'd be just scrap, it'd be sand and rubble... But no, the Sphinx enclosure, massive stone blocks were cut from the area around the Sphinx, that temple is built from those stone blocks and they weigh TONS, like tens of tons and those MASSIVE stone blocks are from the Sphinx enclosure...

This tells us that that enclosure, was built around the same time period that the Sphinx was built/dug out and carved.... 

Above are some photos of the Sphinx temple.

So that's pretty amazing. There are examples of erosion around the Sphinx temple that are very similar to the erosion that is around the enclosure. 
So there you have it. A glimpse into why, Egypt's amazing structures or at least some of them, MAY, just be even that more amazing than what they are.

It seems that almost, two to three times a year, somewhere on the planet, some part of history is being re-written. 
Finds of human bones that shouldn't exist in the time period that they have been found in have pushed the dates that our human ancestors were not yet thought to have been walking around. Temples and other structures that have pretty elaborate carvings and well blocks that makes one wonder, if these people were just 'hunter gatherers' then how did they have the means to do this? There's all kinds of wonders like this.
And our origins are just one of the many wonders that I love to read up on.

Bon Nuit!

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