Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Is My Cat 'Elsa' A Dragon???

A 'Dragon Li' that is....

So I was looking online for info on age/weight/health... I was reading the vet notes and saw Elsa is 10.36lbs. One website said that anything over this weight was on the heavy side. I've thought she's been gaining weight in the last year or so.
So I found this 'cat weight' site and it kept asking me to put in the cat's 'breed' and I put 'Tabby', but it didn't seem to be accepting that, it kept saying, 'Check your cat's breed'... So I thought, 'am I spelling 'tabby' wrong? And put into Google, Cat Breed lists, and Google came back with like it does for movie genres, a bunch of photo's of different breeds of cat. Well for some reason 'tabby' wasn't coming up as I scrolled through the list and then I hit 'Dragon Li' and was shocked to notice that those cats look almost exactly like 'Elsa'... Not to, erm, sound racists here. I got Elsa from a Russian couple while living in Burnaby, where they got her from, i'll never know. I was blown away when I first got her by her stripes and spots on her tummy. When she was a kitten the spots on her tummy were very leopard like, they've kinda broken up and become distorted over time...

A few years ago, when I was thinking about how 'crazy' Elsa is, I looked up some breeds and thought as far as her description went, that she had some 'wild' cat in her. The search I did for wild cats showed images that were very close to what she is.

So Dragon Li cats, according to our good friend 'Wikipedia' - "The Dragon Li displays a unique golden brown, broken mackerel (also known as broken striped) tabby pattern, distinctive ear tipping, large round almond shaped luminescent yellow/green eyes, and a strong full bodied stature reminiscent of its wild nature. The Dragon Li is valued for its unmistakable intelligence, an uncanny cognizance in relation to its surroundings, and its ability to interact perspicuously with humans."

That's a 'Wikipedia' image... Looks like 'Elsa'

That's 'Elsa'

She might be more towards 'Tabby' than 'Dragon Li'. I don't quite see the, stripes on the back and body like the 'Dragon Li' but it's pretty close!

From 'Google'

Elsa (In the act of 'slapping my paintings'

I guess it's hard to say, I mean the vets, who'd you think would know, marked down 'Tabby' on her form, but maybe they just generalize... Elsa, despite her violence, is still an amazing and beautiful cat.

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