Tuesday, February 13, 2018

MySpace/Old Pix & Dope Smoker

I got an email today from of all places, 'MySpace'.... Now of course most will remember MySpace preceded Facebook. At the time, I actually liked MySpace and had NO desire to migrate, follow the herd to this thing called Facebook. The only reason why I did was because of the demanding girlfriend at the time, I was agitated into it... Sure, it has it's pluses and it's negatives outweigh those by thousands of miles.
But Myspace was kinda cool. I contacted and struck up small friendships with some of my idols, including Tommy Niemeyer of the Accused and Eric Dover of Jellyfish. I posted pics, wrote a blog and was fine in that World...
Anyhoo, so today an email, some lady had 'added' me on Myspace, I'm sure it was more spam than an actual person 'adding' me. But it made me curious, what is/has MySpace become? How has it survived?
Not that any of those questions were answered, I went, had to redo my password as I'd forgotten what the original was, but once that was sorted out, I entered into a convoluted and really confusing ...erm website, for lack of a better term at the moment...
It took me like 10 minutes just to find my own/old material I had put up there. They've made it quite as I said convoluted, I didn't see how one could change it, but looking at the gallery, instead of scrolling vertically like most sites, you had to scroll horizontally... It had a bunch of 'features' and when I clicked on them, they said they weren't set up.. I really had no desire to sit and figure it out, so maybe I'll go back, maybe I won't.
I think when I hit Facebook, there was a way that one could migrate all your pics from MySpace to Facebook, so there were some pix that I hadn't seen in ages, but there were other's that were mostly on Facebook.
Some cool blasts from the past including this pic of me in my electric wheelchair:
That thing was a fucking deathtrap! I had applied through a referral to Red Cross and one of those was for this electric wheelchair... I had to wait until someone either was miraculously healed or died before I'd get my hands on one.
So this one, when they dropped it off to me, said it was a little 'buggy' and had some quirks, but they  said and I'll quote them here, "Drive it until it's destroyed, then we'll get you a new one".

So this chair, which I couldn't get in the house because of stairs, I had a friend built it a lockable shelter under our patio at my place in Burnaby. it worked out alright, but the path to the front of the house was a little bumpy, narrow and often filled with spider webs....
So, I get this sucker and the thing worked alright, kept a good charge, but the 'toggle' to move forward, back, left and right, well it was screwy... And sometimes in order to go forward I'd have to kinda toggle the toggle, well it's hard to explain, but it made it really difficult to drive and then sometimes, the chair would just turn rapidly to the left... Like it was a shock, you'd be rolling along, then all of a sudden the chair would just swing to the left and that was freakin scary especially along the very, very busy streets near my place.... I had complained about it, but it was all they had for me and I got that response of drive it until it can't go any longer (or I got veered into traffic)... I eventually got a bit better through the physio treatments I went to twice a week for several years and called the company to come pick up the piece of crap and it took them almost a year to do so. I almost preferred a standard wheelchair over that beast...

Here's a couple more pix I pulled from Facebook:
Of course 'Alita' needs no introduction! Miss her so much. She was my little girl and the best pet I've ever had the privilege of caring for.
Long before Elsa and Alita, 'Piggey Sue' came into my life. She was a room mates friend's cat and they had just had a baby and Piggey was, well in the way. So they asked my room mate Denis if we'd take her.
I remember the day they came over with her, I came out of my room, sat on the couch and Piggey came right over to me and it was love at first sight. They were surprised as much as I at how quickly she took to me and I knew she was mine because anyone in the house that picked her up, she'd fart on them. I shit you not. This cat's major defensive weapon was stinky cat farts and she seemed to be able to conjure them up at will on people.
Piggey was amazing. Our room mate Denis had a cat called 'Power' and Power was an evil Tom cat, that cat kicked the crap outa everyone, even us sometimes haha. But sadly, when Piggey Sue moved in, Power was brutal to her and we had to break up many fights between them. The 'good' side of this was that it made Piggey tough as nails and when Denis and Power left, Piggey became the mistress of the neighborhood. I know this will sound crazy, but I literally found 3 cat collars in our yard, that didn't belong to Piggey.
It would seem that when she was out, when challenged by another cat, she'd kick the crap out of them and then take their collars as prizes. I swear I'm telling the truth here.
One day I found one and it had the name of the cat and I knew it lived up the street, so I had the embarrassing task of going up to their place and knocking in their door to let them know that their cat had had it's ass handed to it by Piggey and well, here's it's collar.

Piggey ended up coming down with hypothyroidism and sadly she passed away in 2010. Piggey slept with me each night and would curl up right by my head, sometimes I'd used her as kinda pillow. We had a deep connection and again, this will sound very very odd, but it's the truth;
Piggey would come into my room as I was in bed, eyes closed hoping to pass out into sleep, I'd feel her jump up on the bed and she'd walk towards me and come right up to my face and lick my lips. Just a kiss, then she'd lie down. It was very strange behavior, I'd never heard of a cat doing this kind of thing. I'm not even sure how or why out of all the places on my head that were not under blankets that she'd 'kiss' me on the lips. She was such a sweet kitty. She'd even follow me to the store.
Unlike Elsa, I could get away with things like this:

I miss her deeply too. She was an angel of a cat. Miss her dearly too... But I do love Elsa. Sure she's a bitch to everyone else and yes, even to me sometimes, she still a loving kitty.
The first day Elsa came to my home, she walked out of the carrier and right to me. She was a sweet, brave cat. The first night at the house, unlike some other cats I've had (excluding Piggey), Elsa jumped on my bed, sniffed around a bit, then curled up right next to me as close as she could.

I've got a video here of some bad shit she does....

What an asshole eh? Haha, gotta love her.

I've known about 'Sleep' and their epic song 'Dopesmoker' for some time now. KYUSS wasn't the beginning of the 'Stoner Metal/Rock' scene. There were plenty of bands doing it before KYUSS or 'Sons of Kyuss' came into being. It was just that Kyuss did it best, for a while...

'Sleep' was formed in the early 1990's. They still exist today, but it's a much different incarnation than what it was when they recorded and released the massive, almost indescribable riff laden 'Dopesmoker AKA Jerusalem' a 75 minute plus epic. It also has various other incarnations that are 73 and 52 minutes respectively.
'Sleep' is a Stoner Rock band from San Jose, California and are part of that 'Desert Rock' scene that bands like 'High on Fire', Kyuss, Fu Manchu, Saint Vitus and many, many more.

The band had just been signed to a major record label when the song that would become known as 'Dopesmoker' would finally had reached it's end. The band felt that the song always rocked, but never felt like it could end, each ending led to further minutes of the opus.
Once recorded and that took almost a year or two, the label felt that they couldn't release it. They didn't know what to make of the song or what to do with it... The band (as that incarnation) would break up before it was released.

So, take the time, smoke some ganja (a LOT of ganja, crank up your source of music and enjoy (If you live in an apartment, this will surely annoy the neighbors):

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