Monday, February 26, 2018


So I was 'speaking' with the guys in the band, really through Facebook Messenger, the only part of Facebook I currently use... If Microsoft's Messenger was still active I'd use that over the FB one, but beggars can't be choosers.

So the plan is that the guys will start to get together and begin to write some new material and then in April, I'll join up with them and put down some lyrics, then start to tighten up the new and old songs.

I'd like to see the band, at least record an album. I'm starting Methotrexate in late March/early April. If you don't know about Methotrexate it is a cancer treatment medication that has also been shown to be beneficial to persons with Psoriatic arthritis (like I got) and Rheumatoid arthritis and several other ailments (Along with being a non-FDA approved abortion pill in the USofA.
I can't say I'm looking forward to starting up Methotrexate again (I have taken this drug several times during my life with arthritis).
I've found, and my Dvlogs used to document, that this medication made me vomit sometimes a couple of times a day and throughout the week. I got pretty good at puking, which is funny to me because vomiting is one of my favorite 'film gags'... People find it so disgusting that it makes me laugh.. I don't like to vomit personally, but it is a pretty funny human function... That the human body, due to, being revolted by something, over stressed, a virus or by sticking a finger down one's throat can cause the stomach to turn itself out... Pretty funny the human body!

So yeah, vomiting aside, I'm doubting I'll be in much health to play any shows, let alone shows out of town. This medication wipes you out, leaves you susceptible to infection and like every other arthritis medication I've tried, does very little in the way of helping me.

As I said, I'd like the band at least to record an album. 'The Town Fair', the Wasteland Zombies first 'album' was independently released by us on cassette. So does it count? It had like 10 songs, we did it in a studio (even if it was one set up for the sole purpose to record the album). But I'd LOVE to release something on vinyl, that'd be my 'dream' and then I think I'd close this chapter of music in my life. MAYBE, if I got better I might like to do a special project, but who knows.

So, Saturday evening, when I wrote that I had been feeling so 'lethargic', well that turned into shakes and having to piss about every 20 to 40 minutes. There's only one thing that makes me do that and it hasn't happened for a long time and that's monosodium glutamate. An old enemy of mine.

Years ago now, well actually 2010 was where it ended, but from probably when I was maybe 8 or 9 years old, I suffered from anxiety. I didn't sleep well at all from that age up until, again, just years ago.
I'm quite allergic to a wide variety of things, from seasonal allergies (which thankfully that issue has abated itself over the years), to many fruits and vegetables.
In my late teens, I found my anxiety was getting much worse, like really bad. This ever increasing anxiety built and built upon itself until one day around 1996 I cracked, fled from an outing with my best friend and his family that was visiting and could barely even go a block from my own home. The anxiety had grown and grown into agoraphobia. I sought out help and of course ended up on medications for many years.
But I made a life changing realization. I was 'sensitive' to monosodium glutamate and caffeine. This was compounding my anxiety. When I ate food laced with MSG, I'd have a reaction, that until that time I was unaware of. The symptoms of this reaction were, sweats, rapid heart rate, numbness, feeling incredibly anxious and it made me pee like mad. Once I figured this out and began to look at the ingredients of food before I consumed it, I found that MSG was in sooo many things, from potato chips to Mr. Noodles. I quit the caffeinated drinks and started to stay away from foods that MSG was in and found that my anxiety was soon much much less frequent and intense.
In 2010 on my trip to Egypt, my anxiety left me. It was gone. I had used Ativan to fly and travel, but I found when we boarded our plane to Luxor during the trip, that all of a sudden, I wasn't feeling anxious. So in the Cairo airport, I held back from the Ativan and ended up flying the whole way to Luxor without the drug, from that point on, I was fine.
I know I'd still like to visit a counselor sometime, while I'm no longer anxious, I still think it would be beneficial to speak with someone about these 'issues' I've had, because I may not have entirely delt with them properly, some day I will....

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