Sunday, December 16, 2018

Dreaming About Seal... The Animal.. Not the Dude.. & Revelations (Not the Bible Kind)

I totally forgot to post about this crazy seal dream that I had.

Sadly I have forgotten most, ok all of the dream, except for this 'segment' where it didn't appear to be that the dream was taking place on a boat, but....  I recall climbing down some steps,  almost like a ladder, in fact it was like the steps on the houseboat I spent a few days on last Summer.

As I'm coming down the steps, at the bottom off to the side a bit, there's a hatch in the floor and coming up through the hatch is a seal, and I think that the damn squirrels that have been stalking me  (Please note, I'm not being serious here) have infiltrated into my psyche and that's what the seals represented and I was saying,  'No!' to the seal just like I do with Jerkface the wonder squirrel!
So I'm saying,  'No! Get down you can't come up here !' But unlike the squirrel the seal comes up and of course is 'barking' as they are known to do and it's passing me on the steps going up to where ever that was I came down from and I vaguely remember someone up there was freaking out and saying, "No, no stop the seal from getting up here, we'll never get it out again!!"

And that's really all I can remember.
 Thanks for coming!
Not the seal from my dream but a reasonably hand drawn facsimile
I can't believe I just spelled 'facsimile' right

I've got a buddy online, he's on of the few members of a group of people from all over the World who meet up in a private chat room to discuss science, physics, history, conspiracy, technology and space ventures, and he's just got a book deal for a non-fiction series called 'Book of Man'. You can find a video series of his works on Vimeo. The guy is fucking brilliant and while I do not subscribe to much of his beliefs and what he's uncovered doing his own research, I do admire the guys discipline to go after a subject and chase it down where ever it has led him. I'm hoping some day soon, to collate all of these blogs that have my 'life stories' in them and write my biography... I dunno if anyone would buy it... I don't know what I could teach anyone from my life... Don't stay in school if you think you can survive the World without graduation? Maybe that's a good lesson... For some people... Anyhow..

'The Book of Man' deals with huemahn history and how it 'sprung' up on this planet. What I do like about Brian's work is that once it gets into familiar ground for me, as in pre-history of huemahnity before the end of the last ice age, history during the Younger Dryas period (The time when after the last ice age, all of a sudden the Earth was thrown back into a "mini-ice age" and during this period it is believed either an asteroid hit the North American ice sheet as well as other parts of the Northern hemisphere or there was some kind of plasma event, either from our Sun or an extra-solar source) and after the Younger Dryas ended and OUR history began (which is pretty much where christian folk think history began because of the global coastal inundation of water ('Noah's Flood), due to the quick melt of ice sheets DUE to the possible asteroid that hit them!).

This last Friday Brian said that he'd stumbled upon a whole well of new information about our ancient history. 
I've spoken about Gobekli Tepe before and how it's some 11,000 years old and pre -dates Stonehenge and the Giza Pyramids by thousands of years. Some historians and archaeologists are dubbing it the birth place of civilization.
Now, of course this isn't make believe Adam and Eve stuff here, before Gobekli Tepe there were tribes and gangs of nomadic and semi nomadic hunter gatherers, but Gobekli Tepe is said to be the First organized structure building in huemahnity and MAYBE that's where our civilization began... But what if there's some place older...

Enter Aratta.

If you query online about Aratta you will or may find a small wikipedia entry that indicates 'Aratta' as a mythical Sumerian land.... But what if Aratta is not a myth? There's been many so called 'myths' that have become true history and for as much as I bash it, SOME of those 'mythical' and 'legendary' places and times have been found to have existed...

Likewise this could happen with Aratta.

Archaeological digs in the Ukraine for decades have unearthed a culture that it would seem pre-dates Gobekli Tepe and has elaborate neolithic structures, mounds, burial practices AND a writing that seems to be proto Sumerian and of course the Sumerian's are said to be the one's who invented language..
Example's of Arattan art and writing/symbols

This Aratta culture put out such fantastic pottery that Picasso himself was moved and stunned that such an ancient culture could make such elaborate and intricate art...If I'm not wrong, but I think I remember from one of the videos I watched, it said that some of Picasso's later works were influenced by what he had seen in the Ukraine.
So this is what Brian laid out for us... Did those who taught their 'technology' of carving, art, religious practices, medicine and farming come from Aratta's people, who may, because of the changing climate, water inundating lands move South into the 'fertile crescent', teach their ways to the hunter gatherer's there and thus our civilization had it's fuse lit.... It's very interesting and possibly history changing information.

Such exciting times we live in, sometimes lol... I just hope huemahnity makes it long enough for us to learn some real truths of our past and our future.

Mari Mason really has nothing to do with this entry, I was just listening to him while writing.

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