Wednesday, December 19, 2018

The Winter Coat Has Grown In

Don't take long... People always ask, "is it warmer with or without a beard?" - I don't know haha.... I can tell you, you get a lot more 'snot' on your upper lip in the cold!

The house next door.... Not salvageable... I ran into one of the guys who lived there at the mall today and had asked him if the place was a write-off or if he thought it might be saved and he looked at me, pulled out his phone and show me... That place is NOT salvageable in the least... The inside was a horror show... So scary and one of my bigger 'fears'... I try to make sure everything I can is off or at a safe point, but with old houses, you sometimes just don't have any control over what MAY happen.... Fingers crossed....

This morning after I had got ready to head up to the DECH for bloodwork, I was looking out my big picture window that faces towards the house that caught fire..... While looking outside I noticed something, something ... odd....

We had fresh snow the last 24 hours and in the snow were foot tracks that came from the sidewalk out front and went down the driveway and ended at the door to the garage/barn.... So, the odd part? There were NO returning footprints... There were tracks going to the door and that was it..... So, was someone inside?
I put my boots and jacket on and made my way over to the house... I walked down the driveway, noting, that yeah, these footprints went to the door and went inside. The door was shut, but the lock, well the lock was intact BUT, someone had unscrewed the screws that held the components to the lock on the door, so it looked like someone had walked in the place and never left... They could very well be still inside....
I came back in and called 911. The guy said, "Well, did you go inside and check?" ... LOL... I said, 'No, no I didn't because IF there's someone in there, I don't want to confront them and it's not my property"... They said they send some one over right away.

As my neighbor and I were pulling out of the driveway the first police car pulled up, so we waited and I got out and went and spoke to the officer... As i was speaking to her another two police officers pulled up and I told them about what I'd seen and the only 'other' tracks there were mine... So they went down the driveway and into the garage/barn... I don't think they were in there but 5 minutes and came out, no stranger in tow... So they kinda brushed off the whole idea that someone broke in and was in there... I mean ok, you took less than 5 minutes to check the place out, I don't believe they checked the upstairs at all and they just felt that maybe one of the students had come back to get something...
Well, there's a couple problems here. I know, to see, all of the students who rented that place and YES, I'd seen them come by, use a KEY to open the door and get stuff leave, bla bla bla... So, WHY would one of them need to take apart the lock to get in AND, the biggest fucking unanswered question by ANYONE, WHY did the footprints GO in... but NOTHING came out??? Did whomever it was fucking sprout wings and floated out? Is there a tunnel out that I don't know of??

So, someone could still be in there for all I know.. Albeit once I'd returned from my day out of bloodwork and doing some Xmas shopping for my Bro's fiancee's kids, there were all kind of tracks coming in and out of the place, the lock is still as it was.... So who knows... But something fishy is going on....

Don't know how or why, but 'Rise Against' landed in my brain today....

'Give It All':

'Voice Off Camera':

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