Thursday, December 13, 2018

'606' & Elsa Gets Crazy With The CheeseWhiz!

Years ago, all of a sudden I began to see the numbers '606' everywhere... Mostly it seemed I'd look to see what time it was and it would be 6:06.... from there it seemed to blossom and '606' turned up all the time... I'd be out walking and

Or I'd be at the station, pop in a CD to play and the song length....

Cooking dinner, look up at the clock.... 

Crossing the street and would see a parked car...

On YouTube one day and this Metallica video had...

Even one time when I was signing up to a website and they wanted people to properly put in the Captcha:

Watching a movie... 'Mission Impossible'

And then tonight, again, watching one of my favorites 'The Sasquatch Gang'
 It's everywhere!!!!

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It's so very hard to catch Elsa when she's doing her weird fucking shit... I mean it's spontaneous... I've talked about how when sometime's I'll just walk in the room and Elsa will jump up, back arched, hair bristling... She's acting all tough! It'really funny when she does it... and it tells me that she's ready to play fight!:

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