Thursday, December 6, 2018

F'N Tree Rat Again & Those Shinny Metal Baskets

So this morning, I'm, I dunno, getting ready, to get ready to go do some errands and as I'm walking in the kitchen, my eye catches the window on my front door and outside of it, 'Weird', I thought, 'That looked like squirrel color 'gray''....

I walk over to the door and see this:

Fucking tree rat! OK, I know from having owned a dog and cats, been around pets and have watched animals all my life, they are a LOT smarter than people give them credit, they are, sure yes, there's dumbass dogs, not so much cats, I've met some crazy cats, but not really ever a stupid one... Anyhow, these rodents, the squirrels, watched me all Summer and learned, not through me taking the patience I did with 6 chipmunks to get them to accept me and come to me for food... No, the squirrels, they jumped through that hoop and went right for the "Here I am, give me fuckin food asshole"... and one has the gaul to insult our species by walking on it's hind legs like a fucking monkey!

If ya don't know, Dollarama has pop like Pepsi, cheap and I do use the place to buy things like lint rollers, garbage bags, you know, things that'll fall apart easy ad you throw out right away, because that's what they sell... Things that'll fall apart easy...

The other week, all of a sudden the wire baskets are gone and they just have the shopping carts with a great big long pole sticking up straight up out of it...
I've never wanted to steer one of those carts with that damn pole on it.. Looks like you're going into a jousting competition or something...
So today, I lamented to a worker, that said I was purposely trying to mow down a security guard from  the mall (Furthest thing from my mind, I was looking for Cap'n Crunch), but I told her. "This sucks... Stupid carts". And she said, "Look, write to the office, I hear they are good at listening to their customers, give it a try because you're not the only person who wants them back" and she would give me no reason for why they took them, she didn't know she said.

Maybe people are stealing them? I dunno, they are a lot more convenient than the shopping carts with the jousting pole or the green bin with wheels, which even the healthiest old person would probably have a hard time trying to dig say a couple of small items out of the bottom of the thing..

So I'm going to write to the Dollarama HQ and ask for our baskets back! Are you with me?


Save our baskets! Write to: 

Damn it, there's no 'email' address.... So go here and write them!

Also, I suggest people go down to the store with placards and chant: 
'What do we want! OUR BASKETS BACK! 

When do we want them: NOW!'

(But let me know ahead of time so I can sneak down and video you, because that'd be pretty funny!)

Phantom Lord

Sound is ripping through your ears 
The deafening sound of metal nears 
Your bodies waiting for his whips 
The taste of leather on your lips

Hear the cry of war louder than before 
With his sword in hand to control the land 
Crushing metal strikes on this frightening night 
Fall onto your knees for the phantom lord

Victims falling under chains you hear them crying death pains 
The fists of terrors breaking through now there's nothing you can do

Hear the cry of war louder than before 
With his sword in hand to control the land 
Crushing metal strikes on this frightening night 
Fall onto your knees for the phantom lord

The leather armies have prevailed the phantom lord has never failed 
Smoke is lifting from the ground the rising volume metal sound

Hear the cry of war louder than before 
With his sword in hand to control the land 
Crushing metal strikes on this frightening night 
Fall onto your knees for the phantom lord

Fall to your knees 
And bow to the phantom lord

Songwriters: Dave Mustaine / James Alan Hetfield / Lars Ulrich
Phantom Lord lyrics © Warner/Chappell Music, Inc

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