Thursday, December 20, 2018

Communing With a Wooden Fence & Holiday Insanity

Today as I'm walking home, heading up Regent Street, there, they are constructing some new apartment complex and it has this, actually really nice wooden fence put up to stop people from getting into the construction site... As I'm approaching the section of sidewalk that is parallel to this fence, there's a young lady, who is walking towards me, but she's looking at the wooden fence, she then stops and places her hand on the fence and closes her eyes.. standing there, with her eyes closed, the palm of her hand pressed firmly against the fence.... Was she communing with the wood? The fence? Was it some sort of Vulcan mind meld:
I dunno, but it was certainly a weird moment.. After pausing in this position, she then began to move along the fence, eyes still closed and hand still firmly against the fencing... She then opened her eyes to notice me looking at her and she smiled as we passed each other.... Maybe she just likes wood.....

Speaking of walking, I saw a story on the other night about walking and mental fitness. It would seem that not only is walking good for the heart, and body, legs, muscles etc... But also good for the brain. A study has shown that 6 months of walking (Not continuously) is most excellent for reversing cognitive decline... lol So the less walking you do, the stupider you get? LOL. That doesn't seem totally right, but walking is great. I love walking, I've been a walker all of my life, well except for the months i was in the wheelchair, but I was a roller then! Walk&Roll!
But I find it really helps me. Walking has always given me time to think about problems, deal with worry and stress and just help me to have the general peace of mind that I have today
From the article:
""Our operating model was that by improving cardiovascular risk, you're also improving neurocognitive functioning," said lead study author James Blumenthal, a clinical psychologist at Duke University. "You're improving brain health at the same time as improving heart health."
When it comes to living longer through exercise, is more better?

When it comes to living longer through exercise, is more better?

Many experts "are already convinced about the benefits of lifestyle interventions to reduce risk of Alzheimer's and cardiovascular dementia," said Dr. Richard Isaacson, who directs the Alzheimer's Prevention Clinic at Weill Cornell Medicine. "But for those who are not, this study is a randomized, clinical trial that illustrates the benefits.
"You can do something today for a better brain tomorrow," said Isaacson, who was not involved in the research."
Get out there and walk!

It's over, done shopping for the 'kids'... Will be a good Christmas this year. I tried as best as I could to buy all presents from downtown... I do have a great respect for local businesses and try as much as i can to give as much of my business to downtown... I rarely go to the mall... In fact, having bloodwork at the hospital about every month or two I've been popping into the mall to get some stuff... And I knew that I'd probably have to end up there at some point ramping up to the holidays, yesterday was it and I was there early enough that it was absolute stupid huemahn chaos... I must say I do love going to Walmart, it's got some of the most awesome looking people that go there lol... It's like an ark of inbred huemahns ended up smashing into the Walmart and they got shipwrecked there haha
Ahh the people of Walmart!
Don't be insulted if you shop there my friends, for you are apart of the Beautiful People!

Oh! Just in time for Christmas! A new music video from 'Ghost'

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