Thursday, December 19, 2019

Some Concerning Developments

I'm at fault for this. As the saying goes, 'Curiosity killed the cat'....(Just to clarify, this post isn't about the feral cats)

Today I was chillin' in my apartment when I saw some workers show up next door where the burnt house is.

I'm a curious guy lol.. So I went out for a smoke and started talking to one of the workers... In our conversation I was saying, 'You know it's too bad about this 'barn/garage', it's in not bad shape (wasn't touched by the fire)'.
The worker then said, 'Well, it's all coming down in April, the house, the garage and your place, all of it, in April' he stated again.

I was like, 'Oh wow, ok'....

Now, I've signed a lease and in that lease they have to give me 3 months notice. Which is cool and all, but since the first time I met the owner and then in meeting the property manager, I've always said, 'My Brother's wedding is in April, so I hope nothing happens, as far as having to move, until after April'.
Until today, as far as conversations I've had with the owners property manager, there was no action going to take place until AFTER April and maybe even up to a year before they'd wipe out the houses. Which as far as having to move, was comforting that I wouldn't have to pack through the Winter and be out in April... Or March for that matter. It's doable, but with the wedding and all, it'd just be a helluva lot less stressful if I could get Cuba behind me and then deal with moving.

So I've written the property manager about the conversation I had with this worker. Really, the guy might have old info or just not know what he's talking about. The reply from the property manager just said he'd "check into it"... Me, I'd think, as property manager, he'd know... But who knows...

So, the 'bright side'? My old landlady, lol she's not 'old', I'm meaning she used to own this place. She has a place on the North side that she said is mine for the asking, but she's not sure if I'll like it.

So sometime soon she's gonna show me the place... lol Now the thing with this new place is... A dude died in there, a very very large dude and they didn't find him for like 3 weeks (My one fear of being single is that happening)... So the place is going through extensive renovations.. I've seen the 'mess' the unfound dead can leave and know the procedures that have to take place for it to be cleaned up and accessed by inspectors.
I'm not worried about some overweight ghost haunting the place. My landlady feels that I may feel that the place is too small. I think she said that the place is smaller than my apartment i'm in now.

So, fingers crossed, either A: This worker had incorrect info B: My old landlady's 'new' place will be adequate for me.... If not, I do have other leads, thanks to Sarah Lockhart and some folks I know that live around Queen Square.. Just wasn't prepared for the information I got today.

Cat update: Dang Tobias, aka Fluffy seems to sense I want to grab him if he comes up on the steps. Which, he's been stubborn since the last storm.. But, it's belly will be it's undoing, like I said to my Brother Gordy, 'As soon as that cat hits my steps, I'm grabbin' it'!

So, the game is afoot!

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