Saturday, December 14, 2019

Hard Chargin'

Had a blast earlier at Fredericton's Crust Metal King's 'Hard Charger's' video release party. Nancy Brown came along as my guest... Great to see Ciaron, Brent, Chris Giles, Mike Erb, Bruce, Stacy Lynn, Arthur, DJ STv,  The Hard Charger guys of course, minus Tom.... It was a nice 'Lil get together!

Bruce Legrow had asked if I'd like to help out with the shoot a while back, but I just didn't feel up to it and being the Fall AND being an outdoor shoot, I figured it would have beat me into the Earth and I'm glad I made that decision as lol cast and crew looked 'beat into the Earth' by the end of that shoot.

Deservedly so, everyone that worked on the video did a stellar job in each of their departments and roles!

Trust me, people are gonna howl when they see this vid! It's filled with the very best quality in violence and mayhem that the guys from Hard Charger and their crew could bring forth!

And we wouldn't expect any less!

Keep yer eyes peeled to FB and Hard Charger's YouTube page.... It's coming!

Hard Charger YouTube:

Hard Charger Bandcamp:

Hard Charger FB: › hardchargermusic

There! Now ya can't miss it!.... Well, Unless you are listening to like the FOX or something, Fuck knows they'd never play anything as cool as Hard Charger!

Oh! And I won another copy of their latest album 'Vol. 4 - Take The Guff And Suffer'!

I'm gonna save it in it's sealed condition! ..... I shoulda got the guys to autograph it! Damn it!

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