Sunday, December 15, 2019

'The Satanist' & The Petulant Superstore Worker

Really they have nothing to do with one another, but let's start with my trip to Superstore... It was a nice trip, windy, but nice.
I got my items and got in line. There was a lady ahead of me and one behind me in line. The lady ahead of me said something to the cashier and the cashier just sorta looked blankly at her and shrugged...
While I was watching this, I happened to notice this cashier, a young lady, had these earings that appeared to have either Cthulhu on them or an octopus on them. So when it was my turn at cash, while going through the transaction, I said to the young lady, 'Are those Cthulhu earrings? Or is that an octopus?'
"WHAT?" she snapped at me... I asked my question again, "What>?" She says again... The lady that was behind me spoke up and said, "He's asking about your earings dear, are they an octopus?"
The young cashier looked at me and scowled, "I don't know".....

'Alright I said' and was seconds from going to management and asking that maybe this cashier needs a time out or maybe a new job... I mean, I know or rather I don't know, because working for the public like that was never ever something I ever wanted to do. And I KNOW, 'the public are assholes'... Well, I'm  not an asshole. And while I don't expect the cashier to slip a flashy smile on her face and be all gleeful, a little fucking respect would be good for her, both for her and towards her customers.
I was just trying to be fucking nice.

Now.... Zee Satanist:

One of my favorite albums in the last many years was just deemed 'Metal album of the decade' by Loudwire, an online and print Heavy Metal 'zine.
I'd have to really look, but I think Metal wise, in my collection they might be right. 'The Satanist' is one Hell OF an album!
Like they say in their article, from start to finish the album is a masterpiece of Metal, anti religion and lyrical madness that only a man who came close to death and lived to tell about it could write.

You tend to hear that when artists or anyone really is close to death they tend to reach out to 'god'.. Especially if they had rejected religion at some point. When Nergal, 'Behemoth's' singer was dying of cancer, he didnt reach for the 'lord'.. In fact he turned away even harder and I think a lot of that goes into the album.

After his battle with cancer and drummer Inferno's battle with his appendix, The band announced on may 30th of 2013 that in February 2014 the band would release their 10th studio album titled,'The Satanist'.
Again, the album is a masterpiece, every instrument and instrumentation, every lyric.. It's blasphemous, it's evil, it's dark, it's heavy, there's really little else that this album could squeeze in.

The albums packaging and artwork is only rivaled by their 2019 release 'I Loved You At Your Darkest'.

The merchandise for 'The Satanist' has been a hot hot seller for the band and from my many years of buying band merch, I think Behemoth has some of the best priced merch and best looking and well made merch out there of ANY band. I've purchased several items directly from the bands official site and I've always been super impressed by their service, pricing and quality of product.
'The Satanist' sigil long sleeve $36! And amazing quality
The videos that the band released during 'The Satanist' album cycle were outstanding.
Many of the videos were conceived by the band and 'Groupa13' an amazing art-house production company whose visions and realizations of the bands concepts and ideas are brought to life in horrific and true blasphemous fashion.
I think, oh it's hard to make a choice, Ok, so i'll give you two. 'Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel' of which there is a censored version out there if you are at work as  this version is NSFW! and probably my favorite track off the album, 'O Father, O Satan, O Sun'

Now Black Metal & Behemoth purists may totally disagree with me about the band's latest albums.

I've 'liked' some of the more extreme Metal band's on and off throughout my life in Metal, but it really wasn't until 'The Satanist' that I could really say I had a great interest in this genre.
It's not for the faint of heart nor for those who are into clear, clean 'perry's vocals.

I was thinking the other day about how, most people's taste in music mellows over the decades of their lives, but I've found I've been listening to some of the heaviest music in my life at this point and this latent interest has blossomed over the last couple of years and I've expanded my collection of 'Black Metal' albums.

Anyhow, not that 'Loudwires' naming 'The Satanist' as "album of the decade" means a whole heckuva lot to a lot of people. It's cool to know that some agree with me that this album is a 'marker' in the evolution of Metal and the evolution of the Polish Black Metal band 'Behemoth'.

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