Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Cats & 'CATscans' (CT scans)

I know I've flooded my FB page with this feral cat epic over the last several weeks. But today I bring you a different 'Cat' story.

Monday evening Ciaron Lewis was over for a good visit and after he left, I started to have pains in my stomach (which I don't attribute to Ciaron in any way lol, just he was over before this episode began).
These pains rose and rose in my stomach until it was almost unbearable, then it would subside and just about completely dissipate before starting the cycle over and over again until last night (Tuesday night), my friend Nancy, who was just about to head home offered to take me up to the DECH (our local hospital), which I'm glad she did, as I was just about to flop down on my bed and pass out again.
As far as wait times go, it wasn't too bad. I was seen, they took blood, urine and did an X-ray of my guttyworks. I waited for those results, with nothing really coming back other than some elevated white blood cells, which is 'normal' for me due to the inflammation from my arthritis.

The nurse then handed me a bottle of Gastrogavin? I think I hucked the bottled after I took it.. Anyhow, I was booked in for a CT scan this morning.

So, came home, got ready for bed, managed to make sure that the black cat was still on it's feeding schedule through all this... And this morning got up and headed back up to the DECH.

The stuff I drank is to help the docs see what's shaking in your guttyworks better. So I went to the radiology Dept. and drank the rest of that crap (not the worst 'crap' I've drunk) and then they got me into 'Johnny shirts' and attempted to stick in the IV... Now, I say 'attempted' because it took her 4 tries to get that sucker in my arms, but apparently I have "tiny veins" and she had a helluva time trying to get the IV into them! So, she eventually gave up and called in this dude and he stuck me right away. Good thing I ain't a needle jabbin' junkie! Guess I'd have a helluva time!

So, I've had the MRI before and the CT scan was super fun, lol, I was actually smiling watching this big donut do it's thing.. Sliding back and forth.. It's pretty cool... When I had my MRI, I was observant enough to figure they were using a Windows based program to get the imagery and actually walked out of the hospital with my own copy of my body scan - No such luck this time though.. DaMN IT - Would have been rad to have a bunch of my guttyworks to look at!

So, after that i went back to Emerge and waited... and waited... And went to the bathroom and then came back and waited and waited.... Saw a guy who was after me in the scan come out and leave and thought.. Wait a second.... So I went and asked and sure enough, they had called for me when I was in the can...
So doc says it's nothing, more than likelt a stomach virus he's seen making the rounds of the area over the last several weeks.
There were some things that showed up, but nothing serious and worth divulging here.

Good news is I'm alright this time!

Oh, I love getting my blood pressure done, they always say, "It's good, really good! Better than mine" - I attribute that to never being married and not having kids.. I'm telling you, it's probably a life saver!

Thanks to Nancy again for the lift!

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