Friday, November 29, 2019

Feral Cats Update!

This Summer, I remember a couple of times hearing people call me "the chipmunk whisperer" and this evening I heard "cat whisperer". Do I have some kinda of 'bond' with animals?

When I was in Vegas, we went to Siegfried and Roy's... Zoo thing, whatever it's called... Where they got the white tigers....

Anyhow, they had/have this dolphin exhibit... And a group of people were over watching these dolphins and I kinda walked off on my own and went over to the side of the pool... ALL of the dolphins left that group of people an swam over in front of me... Maybe I looked like one of the trainers... I had my cane, so maybe, like some animals, they can sense pain in people... I don't know, but several people remarked at how odd it was that they all swam over to me...

I've had a couple people walking their dogs and their dogs come right to me and they've said, "My dogs never done this before"....

I don't think I have any kind of 'bond'... I just love animals (Most of the time they are better than us huemahns)....

If you did read the first installments of these new 'series', a new animal adventure... Right after the first snowfall, these ladies appeared and told me that feral cats, they believed, had taken up residence in the garage/barn of the empty burnt house next door to me. They took me around and showed me these tracks.. Yep, looks like cats....

So the 'issue' is... These ladies are taking off for the Winter.. and they've asked me, to attempt to keep the cats alive and fed through the Winter until they can make new efforts to catch them in the Spring.

I want to catch them ASAP. But, I know it's going to take patience.... The cats are very skittish, the white colored male cat will bolt almost as soon as it sees me. But now it's been staying to eat....

Then there's the black female... I think she's female.... The ladies say they know the white cat is male, so they are assuming the other is female and I think they are right... She's been starting, slowly to stick around....

So to note here, these ladies are paying for ALL of the food and materials in this venture. All i got to do is be patient and slowly get the cats used to me... And this evening. A break thru!

The female fluffy cat, I call, 'Fluffy', like I said above, she's been slowly starting to get curious about me. I've been placing food out around the same time each day and I make as much noise opening the can and getting them used to my voice as I dish up the food.

So tonight, go and put out food, half a can. I come back in and every once in a while I take my good flashlight and light up the feeding station to see if anyone is there... Fluffy was there feeding.

So after about 15 minutes I looked and it seemed she was gone... Since she ate quite a bit, i went back out to put out the rest of the can for the white cat and as I approached, my headlamp lighting up the way... Fluffy is sitting there.. I stopped dead in my tracks, I thought, 'Ok, just keep going.. She's obviously still hungry enough to stick around'... As i walked over to the feeding station, she stayed put. 5 feet away (maybe 4).. I talked to her the whole time and gave her the rest of the food and then I walked and stood about 10 feet away.

This was a major leap.

So people are probably thinking... "Umm, so how are you goin to catch them?"

Valid question

My plan is to continue to get them used to me and see if i can get them to come to me, then one evening or day, I'll come out with the carrier and see if I can grab one and get it in... The white male will be the hardest... But hey, sometimes the one you think will be the hardest ends up being the easiest!

We'll see. Stay tuned!

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