Monday, November 18, 2019

New Music! New Videos! New! Not Click Bait!

My good friends in Halifax's 'Dazor' released a HOT new single this last week called, 'Corrosive'.

I saw 'Dazor' play the Battle of the Bands that I was asked to judge at one of  Jay Chetwynd's Maritime Metal fests.

The guys blew me away. LOVED the sounds, Ian's got a fantastic voice. For a young bunch of guys, they are influenced and well versed in the 'Grunge era' sound. And I think it's welcome and fantastic that some young upstarts have tapped into what for almost a decade has been a 'shameful' genre to embrace.
I've recently reconnected with my 'Grunge era' bands.. Soundgarden, Screaming Trees, Pearl Jam and Mother Love Bone and i'll admit, Nirvana even...

Anyhow, here's 'Corrosive' from Halifax's Dazor!

Here's a link to their Bandcamp page:

Jumped on board the Dazor bandwagon now before they become famous. I don't know why, but I got a lot of faith in these guys... lol As long as they don't break up or move to Ontario!!

The Capital Project! Oh yes, I won't let ya's get away without letting you know about some more great videos they've released since my last post about the series:

And speaking of 'series' check out this two parter on "Music As Therapy: Project Alive"

Part I

Puis, Parti Deux: 

and sneaking this one in here for all you Harvest Jazz & Blues fans:

And now for something completely different!

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