Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Story Time.....

When I lived in Burnaby, we had an awesome yard, fenced in, with big bushes all around it that made it quite private.
Next door to me lived 'OJ' and his woman, jeez, I can't remember her name. We'll call her 'Karen'.

OJ was an alright guy. I knew him from working on the X-Files as he was a teamster who frequently drove our make up fx truck to and from the Lions Gate Studios and locations. We could drive our truck anywhere we pleased EXCEPT if it was for going to or from a set or location... Union rules.

Like I said, OJ was pretty cool, a bit on the rough side, he'd let a touch life, word was that he had somehow made some kinda deal to get to be David Duchovney's driver and after that he drove Jessica Alba and her trailer around.
So this made him a target, his place had been 'hit' several times. By 'hit' I mean, his placed would get broken into and ransacked...

So I tried to keep an eye on his place for him but I was always worried whomever was coming to 'hit' him would get the address wrong and we'd get 'hit' instead....

'Hit' it's actually a great segue, when I had Alita, my husky, she of course did her business in the backyard and every so often I'd go along with the rake and 'flick' her crap into the bushes that lined the part of the yard with the fence between us and OJ. They were super high bushes with a great space to fling poop underneath them as a natural fertilizer.

One beautiful day, I was out flinging poop and OJ and 'Karen' were in their yard next door, doing yard work. I think Karen was working in their little gardens and OJ was working on his truck or his car.

So I was never great at sports, I never played hockey, aside from some street hockey and ice hockey with friends. I was deemed too short for basketball.. Baseball I didn't fancy... I just wasn't a 'sports' guy, none of my Brother's were either.
So that's my excuse for what happened....

There I am 'flinging' poop at the bushes when one particular 'flick' of the wrist and rake sent a pile of poop flying high into the air, it was almost more of a 'pop-fly' than a 'slap-shot'... And my eyes widened as it disappeared from my view.....

Over on the otherside of the fence, I could hear 'Karen' and OJ working away, I can't remember if  'Karen' was in mid sentence, but I knew something bad had happened when there was all of a sudden, dead silence....

I cringed and waited......

Karen spoke, "OJ, did you just fling dog shit at me???" ----- I could Barely contain my laughter and embarrassment ... i was about to explode LOL.. and OJ replied, "Um....... Nooooo?"

Dead silence....

I burst out laughing lol... and spoke up... "I'm SOOOOOOOOO sorry 'Karen'!... That was me, a really, really bad 'flick'"
OJ burst out laughing .... and 'Karen' was like, "ewwwwwww".......  OJ, piped up, "Hey, maybe you want to be a bit more careful where you fling that dog shit" and I could hear 'Karen' laughing now, so thank goodness, they got the humor in it. Heck I could wound up under the Lions Gate bridge, him being a teamster an all!!

They get a lot of shit and flack, but they are among the hardest working guys in the film industry often times having to be on sets and working 18+ hours, which is why you might find one slumbering somewhere, because they are burning the candles at  both ends.

So please be careful where you fling your poops people.... You never know who might be on the other side of the fence!

But in the end, it was all good. And I tried to be more careful when flicking Alita's dog crap around

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