Tuesday, June 25, 2019

There's A New Kid On Tha Block

And his name is 'Asshole'...

I had seen here and there a very young chipmunk, just in the last two days, it wouldn't even take a peanut, sniffing it and walking off... All that changed this afternoon as Sweetie and this little... Asshole fought all afternoon and into the evening, at times they'd both run right across the tops of both of my sneakers.
Funny thing about the 'fighting' is that it wasn't all together violent, there was no squeals of pain or high pitched shrieks I hear every now and again from the other side of my fence.

Asshole has dug a den that looks like it would have run smack down into Sweetie's first den, maybe she's got an invader.
The parents are said to run the kids off as soon as they can and the young are out to make their own turf and fend for themselves as far as food is concerned.

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