Monday, June 17, 2019

Almost Hit By A City Of Fredericton Sheriff's Department Van, Guess Where?

The exact same intersection and NOW I'm mobilizing.....

The Intersection of DEATH! - That arrow is about where I was when I was almost run down, AGAIN, today, June 17th 2019

Would anyone that has ever almost been hit or has been hit at Regent and McLeod ave, in front of the Regent St. Sobeys PLEASE contact me. Whether by messenger or posting here. Anyone who KNOWS of anyone who has had an incident there as a pedestrian, please ask them to contact me.

I shit you not. Today I was almost hit by a sheriffs dept. van. crossing from Mcleod side to Sobeys side. That's THREE in two weeks.THREE times I've almost been hit.
I went to city hall and talked to public works, but there's nothing they can do. I had suggested perhaps that drivers no not get the green turning arrow until the pedestrian signal is run through it's time, but they can't do that
It's pretty fucking shitty when a city official will admit that Fredericton driver's are among the worst.. I got that on video.

I then went to Sobeys and asked if they might do an initiative to remind drivers to FUCKING WATCH for pedestrians when leaving their property..... He said he'd contact city hall and was about all he can do.\

So now, I have to completely change my route and cross at the busier Regent and Beaverbrook or take a good hike down Regent to Aberdeen and use the very visible, with hanging amber lights cross walk...

This is fucking shit. I don't get mad very easy or often. I've been vibrating with adrenalin all day, like I shit you not, this was the CLOSEST yet. Those sheriffs deputies did NOT see me at all... He apologized profusely and said something about a pole blocking his view, which was bullshit. I was fucking hiding behind a goddamn pole, I was out in the fucking intersection on a crossing light.. I remember when I took my driver's ed that pedestrian's have the FUCKING right of way....I guess i'd need a bright orange vest? Maybe a fucking airhorn? 

FREDERICTON drivers pull your fucking head's out of your asses and WATCH the fucking road.
I recorded the whole visit with city hall. Blogging later. And yeah, please, anyone who has almost been hit there, get a hold of me.

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