Friday, June 28, 2019

Spent Some Quality Time With Good Friends

Today, like the past 2 or 3 was supposed to be inclement with thunder showers, ok, sorry, the "chance" of thundershowers this aftertoon and tonight... So I was all set to hunker down for maybe a good storm.
During supper I got a message from Ciaron Lewis of the Neighbourhood Watch fame and he said he'd be heading over in a bit to hang out. Have a 'sesh' as we calls it.

So, I ventured outside and while thunderheads, if you can't get a good view of the sky, can sneak up on ya, but it looked pretty clear, I got an ashtray, some medicinal and a cold can of 'fake' beer and the whole bag of peanuts (otherwise I'd be getting up to come in and get more every 10 minutes)...

I sat down, cracked open my my 'fake' cold one and put some peanuts on my lap and waited. Lil Guy soon showed up and he hasn't lost his full trust of me and climbed right up my leg, his little feet felt wet from the grass and there he sat, scooping up this load of stock for the Winter.... lol I'm sure like Buddy  last year he's already overloaded..... Ah it's good for 'em, it puts hair on their chests...

Got some ok footage of playing with Elsa, trust me, that segment is really, really tame compared to what she can do.....

Then Ciaron showed up and brought a couple big fat Cuban cigars... Hadn't had a good big cigar in a long time.... Since I was in Cuba!
Always great to see Ciaron and catch up on the 'scene' and what's shakin' around town.

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