Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Dad's visit kinda

LOL, I'm putting together this Vlog of Dad's visit this last week and weekend and there's NO footage of Dad! You can hear his voice in one segment.. But that's it. I think I got some pix or at least one....

Here's the vid, with Chipmunks, rain, Princess Park where some of the worst of the flooding hit this Spring. I had wished Dad had turned around but instead kept on going through Princess Park
and we ended up in of all places MINTO! Ate at the 'Timmies' there and it was then I figured out that across the street there once stood a bar in Minto...
That red building was a bar in 1992/'93... I don't know what it was called, but Dreamkick played there

Wayyy back in '92 or so and Dreamkick played there... That was where the guy kept on hounding me to play fucking 'Old Time Rock'N'Roll' and I told him like a thousand times, we don't play crap like that! So finally he said, "What's the name of yer band?" and I replied, 'Dreamkick' to which he said, "Well I'm going to Dreamkick your ass right outa here if you don't play 'Old Time Rock'N'Roll!!!'
So we came to a comprimise and while we played I invited the gentleman to stand outside of the bar and sing to his hearts content, which he did, there was a big picture window behind the band and the old fellah stood out there and it seemed like he was singing or maybe he was just cursing the band the whole time...
Then it was off to Saint John to visit my Brother Gordy and his fiancee and her fam, Crystal et all.

I stay at Gordie's while I'm down.

So Saturday we were supposed to go sailing. And so Saturday Gord and I head to the marina and Dad is gonna meet us there. Gord's sailboat had just been launched a few days before we got there and when Gord and Crystal had last been there his was the only sailboat at a mooring line... SO Gord's heart sank and he near shit himself when we arrived Saturday morning and the first thing we see is a boat, with it's bottom sticking up instead of it's mast...
My Bro Gordie in the foreground and his sailboat is the one behind the overturned boat

 But thank goodness it wasn't Gordie's sailboat... It was someone elses vessel and god knows how it got flipped over, but that's a helluva way to start your boating season!

So, since they hadn't put in the docks, which they had told Gord they were going to do on Friday, and since the water was too turbulent for Dad and I to get into Gord's sailboat from the dingy, we went bowling!~
Dad, Gord, Crystal, Ariel and Jacob (bowling)...

I had not bowled in over 20 years, so i extremely sucked... Actually none of us even cracked 100 and Dad got the only strike!

So, then Sunday we came home... Dad was off to Nova Scotia on Monday and is passing thru town later this week on his way home. Always great to see Daddyo!
He'll be back down in the Fall with his lady friend Riet.

Here's the video.. It's got some ok shots of the broken homes in Princes Park....

1 comment:

  1. Awesome dude, nothing like a game of bowling, whether you're good at it or not. LOL
