Sunday, June 30, 2019

Pretty Damn Evil - Music playlist June 30 2019

'Pretty Damn Evil' Play List ~ June 30th 2019
(I have this playlist 'shuffled', so you never know what yer gonna get, but it's sure to blow your head off each time | Some folks might balk at my idea of  'evil' but I was going for 'heavy as fuck' here too)

Who Are You? - Old (Sabbath cover)
Supernaut - 1,000 Homo Dj's (Sabbath cover)
Nothing Survives - Spinesplitter
Conjuring Annihilation - Spinesplitter
Bring It - Soulfly
Kingdom - Soulfly
Rise of the Fallen - Soulfly
Centuries of Sin - Probot (Dave Grohl with Cronos of Venom)
The Emerald Law - Probot (Dave Grohl with 'Wino' of St. Vitus And The Obsessed)
Sympathy For The Devil - Motorhead
Wake The Dead - Motorhead
No Remorse - Kylesa
The Scarab - Kylesa
Veiztu Hve - Gaahls Wyrd
God Of Thunder - KISS
I Love It Loud - KISS
Homage For Satan - Deicide
In Torment In Hell - Deicide
Beast of Man - Arch Enemy
Stigmata - Arch Enemy (Original singer)
Let The Killing Begin - Arch Enemy (Original singer)
With Haste For Damnation - Abysseral Throne
Martha's Revenge - THe Accused
Bethany Home - The Accused
Ecclesia Diaboica Cathoica - Behemoth
Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel - Behemoth
SATO - Ozzy
Furor Divinus - Behemoth
The Light Pours Out Of Me - Ministry
Judas Rising - Judas Priest
Sodomize The Dead - PileDriver
Sex With Satan - Piledriver
Diary of a Madman - Ozzy
The Oath - Mercyful Fate
Walk With Me In Hell - Lamb of God
Killing Is MY Business And Business Is Good ... - Megadeth
Antechrist - Venom
Burn In Hell - Venom
Burning Inside - Ministry
Lavey-Athan - Witchery
Nosferatu - Witchery
In Warm Blood - Witchery
Breathe - Ministry
Good Mourning Black Friday - Megadeth
Malfeitor - WATAIN
Reaping Death - WATAIN
The Child Must Die - WATAIN
Silent Scream - SLAYER
Behind The Crooked Cross - SLAYER
Black Magic - SLAYER
In League With Satan - Venom
The Conjuring - Megadeth
Sons of Satan - Venom
Die By The Sword - SLAYER
512 - Lamb Of God
Angel of Death - SLAYER
Jesus Saves - SLAYER
Dead Skin Mask - SLAYER
Season In The Abyss (Alternate Version/With Flutes) - SLAYER
Altar of Sacrifice - SLAYER
Raining Blood - SLAYER
Assimilate - Skinny Puppy
Roots Bloody Roots - Sepultura
Cleansing - Wolves In The Throne Room
Devil is Fine - Zeal & Ardor
Children's Summons - Zeal & Ardor
Little Horn - Marilyn Manson
Dogma - Marilyn Manson
Angel With the Scabbed Wings - Marilyn Manson
Irresponsible Hate Anthem - Marilyn Manson
Arise - Sepultura
Dead Embryonic Cells - Sepultura
Beneath The Remains - Sepultura
Inner Self - Sepultura
Demon Cleaner - KYUSS
Love Bites - Judas Priest
Eat Me Alive - Judas Priest
Incubus - Jimmy Page (Lucifer Rising soundtrack)
Lucifer Rising - Percussive Return - Jimmy Page
2 Minutes To Midnight - Iron Maiden
Number of the Beast - Iron Maiden
Powerslave - Iron Maiden
Frost Hammer - High On Fire
The Witch And The Christ - High On Fire
Ora Pro Nobis Lucifer - Behemoth
Faith reaper - Get The Shot
Derelict - Hard Charger
Starlight - Helloween
Walls of Jericho/Ride The Skies - Helloween
Dragged to Hell - Hard Charger
Blackened Sun - Get The Shot
FBS - Goatwhore
Year Zero - Ghost
Mummy Dust - Ghost
Deus in Absentia - Ghost
Ritual - Ghost
Satan Prayer - Ghost
November Fire - Samhain
Halloween II - Samhain
Rats - Ghost
Reanimated - Sacrifice
Godless - Danzig
From The Spear - Gaahls Wyrdd
How The Gods Kill - Danzig
Zero The Hero - Black Sabbath
Long Way Back From Hell - Danzig
Gateways - Dimmu Borgir
Dimmu Borgir (Orchestral version) - Dimmu Borgir
The Mob Rules - Black Sabbath
Brand New God - Danzig
Bringer of Death - Danzig
The Writ - Black Sabbath
Supernaut - Black Sabbath
The Forest Whispers My Name - Cradle of Filth

Friday, June 28, 2019

Spent Some Quality Time With Good Friends

Today, like the past 2 or 3 was supposed to be inclement with thunder showers, ok, sorry, the "chance" of thundershowers this aftertoon and tonight... So I was all set to hunker down for maybe a good storm.
During supper I got a message from Ciaron Lewis of the Neighbourhood Watch fame and he said he'd be heading over in a bit to hang out. Have a 'sesh' as we calls it.

So, I ventured outside and while thunderheads, if you can't get a good view of the sky, can sneak up on ya, but it looked pretty clear, I got an ashtray, some medicinal and a cold can of 'fake' beer and the whole bag of peanuts (otherwise I'd be getting up to come in and get more every 10 minutes)...

I sat down, cracked open my my 'fake' cold one and put some peanuts on my lap and waited. Lil Guy soon showed up and he hasn't lost his full trust of me and climbed right up my leg, his little feet felt wet from the grass and there he sat, scooping up this load of stock for the Winter.... lol I'm sure like Buddy  last year he's already overloaded..... Ah it's good for 'em, it puts hair on their chests...

Got some ok footage of playing with Elsa, trust me, that segment is really, really tame compared to what she can do.....

Then Ciaron showed up and brought a couple big fat Cuban cigars... Hadn't had a good big cigar in a long time.... Since I was in Cuba!
Always great to see Ciaron and catch up on the 'scene' and what's shakin' around town.

Death Sentence

I dunno if this was a band that Grant introduced me to or if it was on Nick Oliver's CHSR Punk show 'Institutionalized'..... Can't remember...

I do however remember listening to their self titled album over and over and over again in my bedroom at my Dad's place on Victoria street.
 Death Sentence, who were not QUITE as controversial as the Dayglo Abortions, but were just as kick ass...

How can you go wrong with songs about arson, MDMA and the 'Pigs' (RCMP)... I had thought W.A.S.P.'s 'Fuck Like a Beast' was naughty and ultra bad ass... Then I was introduced to bands like Death Sentence, The Dayglo Abortions,  The Accused and the latter two, were both from Canada and both super crazy with more Hardcore Punk sensibilities than just 'Punk Rock'...They were freakin' hardcore! They truly walked the walk and sang the talk.

I had asked Grant on my birthday if Death Sentence still existed, but apparently most of the guys are freakin dead.... Hardcore lifestyle....

A trip to the past! With Vancouver's  'Death Sentence' - Some of my fave select tracks from their self titled album:
'Don't just live, live to die!'

'It's a Nightmare'

And my personal favorite and it'll soon be yours......
RCMP... "Bunch of fuckin' Piigssss" (those are the lyrics!!|)

Enjoy your long weekend and remember, don't just live.... Live to die!

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

There's A New Kid On Tha Block

And his name is 'Asshole'...

I had seen here and there a very young chipmunk, just in the last two days, it wouldn't even take a peanut, sniffing it and walking off... All that changed this afternoon as Sweetie and this little... Asshole fought all afternoon and into the evening, at times they'd both run right across the tops of both of my sneakers.
Funny thing about the 'fighting' is that it wasn't all together violent, there was no squeals of pain or high pitched shrieks I hear every now and again from the other side of my fence.

Asshole has dug a den that looks like it would have run smack down into Sweetie's first den, maybe she's got an invader.
The parents are said to run the kids off as soon as they can and the young are out to make their own turf and fend for themselves as far as food is concerned.

Dad's visit kinda

LOL, I'm putting together this Vlog of Dad's visit this last week and weekend and there's NO footage of Dad! You can hear his voice in one segment.. But that's it. I think I got some pix or at least one....

Here's the vid, with Chipmunks, rain, Princess Park where some of the worst of the flooding hit this Spring. I had wished Dad had turned around but instead kept on going through Princess Park
and we ended up in of all places MINTO! Ate at the 'Timmies' there and it was then I figured out that across the street there once stood a bar in Minto...
That red building was a bar in 1992/'93... I don't know what it was called, but Dreamkick played there

Wayyy back in '92 or so and Dreamkick played there... That was where the guy kept on hounding me to play fucking 'Old Time Rock'N'Roll' and I told him like a thousand times, we don't play crap like that! So finally he said, "What's the name of yer band?" and I replied, 'Dreamkick' to which he said, "Well I'm going to Dreamkick your ass right outa here if you don't play 'Old Time Rock'N'Roll!!!'
So we came to a comprimise and while we played I invited the gentleman to stand outside of the bar and sing to his hearts content, which he did, there was a big picture window behind the band and the old fellah stood out there and it seemed like he was singing or maybe he was just cursing the band the whole time...
Then it was off to Saint John to visit my Brother Gordy and his fiancee and her fam, Crystal et all.

I stay at Gordie's while I'm down.

So Saturday we were supposed to go sailing. And so Saturday Gord and I head to the marina and Dad is gonna meet us there. Gord's sailboat had just been launched a few days before we got there and when Gord and Crystal had last been there his was the only sailboat at a mooring line... SO Gord's heart sank and he near shit himself when we arrived Saturday morning and the first thing we see is a boat, with it's bottom sticking up instead of it's mast...
My Bro Gordie in the foreground and his sailboat is the one behind the overturned boat

 But thank goodness it wasn't Gordie's sailboat... It was someone elses vessel and god knows how it got flipped over, but that's a helluva way to start your boating season!

So, since they hadn't put in the docks, which they had told Gord they were going to do on Friday, and since the water was too turbulent for Dad and I to get into Gord's sailboat from the dingy, we went bowling!~
Dad, Gord, Crystal, Ariel and Jacob (bowling)...

I had not bowled in over 20 years, so i extremely sucked... Actually none of us even cracked 100 and Dad got the only strike!

So, then Sunday we came home... Dad was off to Nova Scotia on Monday and is passing thru town later this week on his way home. Always great to see Daddyo!
He'll be back down in the Fall with his lady friend Riet.

Here's the video.. It's got some ok shots of the broken homes in Princes Park....

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Pantera collectibles Figures Coming Soon

So, not saying I'd buy any of these, but the Anselmo and Dimebag statues are pretty awesome! I think they are fairly priced at $150 US, the detail is absolutely stunning. Very well done.

But I know loads of my buds are "die hard" Pantera fans, so they might be into dishing out the dough for this kick ass 'figures'... I'd call 'em 'statues' at that price, 'figures' & 'toys' are cheaper lol.

Pre Order available here!:

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

The Closest Call - EPIC Dvlog Episode

OK, so here it is. nearly 1/2 hour in length, this episode contains everything that happened BUT the actual incident. Hindsight is 20/20 I wish I had listened or at least remembered my friend Larry's advice to have been recording when that incident happened... Mind you having video footage of almost being run over by two sheriff department deputies would have been very controversial video indeed.... Hopefully there isn't a next time... But next time.

There's some audio/wind issue in the vid, deal with it. I tried not to show any of the city hall staff's faces, they do appear for seconds...  Here is it:

As sort of an 'epilogue' to this incident, today when I went downtown, I went straight down my street to Regent and Beaverbrook/Dundonald St. and at that intersection.... The walk light doesn't tell you to walk until AFTER the turning arrow for oncoming turning traffic is over... SO, the guy said that this would cause a conflict. I think, that the cities traffic lights are timed, sequenced to help maintain good traffic flow and volume... IF they were to fuck with the lights at Mcleod and Regent, were i was nearly hit, then that would offset the 'flow'... So, given that me, one lil long haired tattoo'd dude, MAY have been the only one to go to city hall and bring up these incidents, they ain't gonna go and mess with the cities traffic flow to appease me.

I've found alternate routes and given that I'm as cautious as I've been for other intersections and crossing, I should be fine.

Monday, June 17, 2019

Almost Hit By A City Of Fredericton Sheriff's Department Van, Guess Where?

The exact same intersection and NOW I'm mobilizing.....

The Intersection of DEATH! - That arrow is about where I was when I was almost run down, AGAIN, today, June 17th 2019

Would anyone that has ever almost been hit or has been hit at Regent and McLeod ave, in front of the Regent St. Sobeys PLEASE contact me. Whether by messenger or posting here. Anyone who KNOWS of anyone who has had an incident there as a pedestrian, please ask them to contact me.

I shit you not. Today I was almost hit by a sheriffs dept. van. crossing from Mcleod side to Sobeys side. That's THREE in two weeks.THREE times I've almost been hit.
I went to city hall and talked to public works, but there's nothing they can do. I had suggested perhaps that drivers no not get the green turning arrow until the pedestrian signal is run through it's time, but they can't do that
It's pretty fucking shitty when a city official will admit that Fredericton driver's are among the worst.. I got that on video.

I then went to Sobeys and asked if they might do an initiative to remind drivers to FUCKING WATCH for pedestrians when leaving their property..... He said he'd contact city hall and was about all he can do.\

So now, I have to completely change my route and cross at the busier Regent and Beaverbrook or take a good hike down Regent to Aberdeen and use the very visible, with hanging amber lights cross walk...

This is fucking shit. I don't get mad very easy or often. I've been vibrating with adrenalin all day, like I shit you not, this was the CLOSEST yet. Those sheriffs deputies did NOT see me at all... He apologized profusely and said something about a pole blocking his view, which was bullshit. I was fucking hiding behind a goddamn pole, I was out in the fucking intersection on a crossing light.. I remember when I took my driver's ed that pedestrian's have the FUCKING right of way....I guess i'd need a bright orange vest? Maybe a fucking airhorn? 

FREDERICTON drivers pull your fucking head's out of your asses and WATCH the fucking road.
I recorded the whole visit with city hall. Blogging later. And yeah, please, anyone who has almost been hit there, get a hold of me.

Friday, June 14, 2019

Chipmunk FOOD FIGHT!

OK, thunder is rollin' so I gotta shut down....


Some REALLY decent HD footage coming tomorrow!


Second Friday in a row, almost hit on foot at Regent & McLeod out front of Sobeys.

DRIVERS HAVE to watch out.

I'm watching for them. It takes two. Your FB, Snapchat, and whatever other shit social media you're jacked into ain't going anywhere, watch 4 pedestrians or don't drive.

Before that, going to Sobeys, cars, went through the red light, having to stop, blocking Sobeys entrance... It seems that after the flood, driving rules went right out the fucking window for this city.
- Actually we all know that 'Fredericton drivers' has been a 'thing' for decades.

It's fucking ridiculous. And I'll leave you all with this. I have NO issue with trying to bury my cane through your driver's windshield. NO issue at all.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

And Then There Were 4....? Maybe

I'd love to get, something to the mark the chipmunks with .... Had thought of some different colored fingernail polish... or paint... I had thought food coloring, but that would surely rub off or get wet and be gone in a matter of days. On the other hand, I don't want to do anything that might make them sick.

So as you'll see, briefly there's at least two young ones. I'm sure they'll come into their own soon enough.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

New Little Ones In The Backyard

I don't recall ever making a post to my blog from bed before.

I feel like shit, and even feel a little worse today because it's my oldest brother Scott's birthday and as I feel right now, even just taken some green medication for my nausea, am not going to make it for the birthday dinner at one of our favorite restaurants.

On another note, kind of exciting, there's definitely at least two new young chipmunks in the backyard.
Last evening I encountered one for the first time  (See yesterday's video) and while I was outside for my medication another came into the backyard. This one so timid in my presence that even tossing a peanut in its direction sent it scurrying for cover.

Man really dislike feeling like crap from the methotrexate on beautiful days.
And as I said, it sucks particularly more because it's Scott's birthday. But I've got to suffer to get better and it feels like this disgusting medication is working.

But Elsa has just snuggled up to me so it's time for sleep and hope the nausea subsides .

Bleh methotrexate

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Another New Chipmunk

Yep, we got a stranger, I'm guessing it's a youngin'. It's coming from the direction that Little Guy does, from the far side of the garage.
On a walk I make a shocking discovery\!

And then back at the house, we get to meet, this new chipmunk... Oh, also, there's baby squirrel about, but I didn't get footage of it.

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Da House boat Adventure 2019 Tha Sequel Or Something

I was rushing to get this out, didn't proof read my work, so yeah, there's some rather obvious spelling mistakes and the last clip with the campfire was supposed to have some text that explained that due to the amount of video I had, I would have to chop up the video into two potentially three episodes.

Oh yeah and the last Blog entry was titled 'Necropolis Junction' which is a Johnny Truant song, which I was gonna add the video link to, but then you'd all go watch that video lol... So yeah... Enjoy...

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Necropolis Junction! and the week on the hous boat, an updae....

Home... Sooooo tired and beat lol... wAS an astounding weekend. May have rivaled last years houseboat adventure; unpacked, showered, made an uber huge 'sub' sandwich for supper, it kept reminding me of a pillow and I wanted to lay my head to rest on it.\

Putting vid together now... I'd regail you with crazy stories from the week, but i'll have to wait, if I tried to start telling stories now I'd fall asleep....

Here is a pic of our 'boat'... The S.S. SBruce Moose!

And 8 years ago, I had my toes straightened and it made things a lot better, but I have to say, it was probably one of THE most single painful experience in this symbiotic relationship with my arthrits my body and I....
My left foot after my 'four toe reconstruction'... Go for it, it only made my foot feel like it was on fire all day
Too tired, must sleep hope all is well with ya!s