Tuesday, March 26, 2019

'From Out Of Nowhere' -

Hit with nostalgia today, turned out to be a Faith No More listening binge.....

But first... Today's Vlog: Short but sweet:

Ahhh my love for Faith No More is strong and goes back many years. The band formed in ... Get this 1979. But they didn't make waves until the great College Radio Music invasion of the 1980's.

That's where I first heard Faith No More, was on Nick Oliver's staple Punk Rock radio show 'Institutionalized'. I had heard 'We Care A Lot' and it blew my brains out... I called Nick at the station and asked, 'Who was that??' And he told me who the band was and said he had the album and asked if I wanted to borrow it for a spell... 'Hell yes' I replied (Ok, I might not have said that, but it's what I think I would have said!).

Thus began the love for the band.

'We Care A Lot' -1985

In 1989, while I was living in a car in Victoria BC, I had bought a Metal music magazine and saw that Faith No More had just released a new album.... All my friends in Victoria had never heard of this band and I, as I do with bands I love, I was ranting and raving about their older material... I scraped up the cash to buy the new album and I was in for a shock... The original singer or at least the one that had sung on the last two albums (That bitch and waste of huemahn air Courtney Love had actually been in Faith No More in their earlier incarnation)...

We popped in 'The Real Thing' Faith No More cassette I had bought into my buddies car stereo and heard this:

I was blown away by the new singer.. If you listened / watched the first video, you can see and hear a notable difference between the two. Chuck Moseley the singer on the previous albums had been outed by the band for, among other things, drinking too much and falling asleep on stage.....

So, in came Mike Patton. A singer that knocked Iron Maiden's Bruce Dickinson out of his role as a major influence to both my singing and stage presence.

Fast forward to hmmm 1996? Maybe 97? I FINALLY got to see Faith No More live! It was on the 'King For A Day, Fool For A Lifetime' tour. Probably one of my most favorite shows ever....

I didn't have arthritis yet, but I had given up, goin into the crowds to rock out for bands and had just got a table and was watching the show from a good seat... But near the end, I HAD to go into the crowd and ended up crowd surfing.. As I was handed over the crowd, I ended up in front of my biggest influence, Mike Patton and he pointed right at me and said, "You're there dude!" And  I was like, (inside) 'OMGerd! He pointed at me!!' and then the crowd promptly dropped me LOL..

So the band broke up in 2012... Aside from their brief spot of 'fame' in the 1990's, this band is not a Pop band, they are not a Rock or Metal band, they are not an Alternative band and most of all, they ain't no radio band... It's a niche market for FNM fans and it was a rocky road for them.... So they broke up and went separate ways until reuniting in 2015 and even releasing a new album 'Sol Invictus' in 2015, which was just as bad ass as any previous Faith No More album.

So they still are touring for now. Maybe another album is coming. If not there's quite a legacy they've left musically and they are noted for having an impact on Alt-Rock/Metal and tons of bands cite them as an influence.

The end ....

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