Saturday, March 2, 2019

Another Episode of... Snicelandia!

Yes, yes my friends, more adventures from the land of snow and ice!


I'm frakin' beat into the Earth today.. 

I did see Buddy again this morning. He's got a hole that comes out just under the corner of the 'barn//garage next door to us (where the fire was). I was super angry to see the fucking squirrels scaring him off. I've compltely filled the bird feeder and I could even see lil Buddy sniffing the air, so he knows what's there, just the squirrels won't leave him be!! Damn them!

Oh well, he'll soon have holes opened up closer to the food source, then he'll fuck over them tree rats!

Tomorrow, snow, a bit of a 'storm'... then Monday... More snow.... In total, if we get max forecast, we may see a further 25/30cm of snow...


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