Saturday, March 30, 2019

A Surprise Visitor!

I was totally stunned by this incident this evening with Buddy.

I had not seen him in a couple of days. About two  or three days ago, there was a chipmunk out back where Buddys been and it didn't respond to me at all.... I had checked back a couple of times and hadn't seen him around. So I kinda backed off going back to see if he was about and did not see any sign of him.

I was just outside for a puff, when....

Minutes before he showed up, I had walked down the steps and had been coughing, so perhaps he 'heard' me and got tired of waiting to see if I'd come around back....

Was pretty awesome. I was impressed

Friday, March 29, 2019

A Great Day That Went South At the End

Yeah, great day. Went out to Free To Grow's studio. Recorded some more vocals for the track I'm guesting on... came back into town and decided I'd go to the Cannabis NB store for my second time... and well.. Watch the video....

I think tomorrow that store and I are gonna have some words... Not impressed. That's never happened to me before.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Back To The Recording Studio Tomorrow And A Discovery

I've got some more singing to do! Or something like singing.

I'm supposed to be 'the devil' in this song or the 'little devil' that sits on your shoulder.

Anyhow, explained in the video......

Maybe some vids or pix from tomorrow.... Tomorrow....

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

'The Capital Project' Webisodes Coming Soon!

Have you subscribed to 'The Capital Project yet?

In May 2019 the videos will begin to roll out!

Be sure to Subscribe to 'The Capital Project's' YouTube page so you'll know when each video is uploaded and you won't miss seeing interviews and live footage with some of your favorite local acts!

Subscribe now!

Here's a Message from Tim Rayne:

"The Wait Is Almost Over

We first want to thank everyone for your patience. We have been busy working out a broadcast deal with CBC and we are happy to announce we have sold an episode with the possibility of future episodic broadcasts. The first episode will broadcast in the summer in the Atlantic Provinces with a good chance of a National broadcast in the fall or winter of 2019.

We are grateful for CBC’s interest; however we have negotiated a deal that will allow us to release The Capital Project online on our YouTube channel in May. The wait will soon be over! We have been working hard to develop an effective strategy to release content through a daily roll out schedule where we will release a video a day over the course of 6-8 months. As most of you know, TCP (The Capital Project) is massive and there will be many hours of content delivered on our YouTube channel.

The YouTube channel will be set up with themed structured Playlists that will allow people to choose their own content. Essentially, an online ‘choose your own adventure’. We have themes that discuss music education, musical families, music as therapy, local music history, music genres, and many more! We also will be releasing band showcases where interviews and performances are cut together to introduce our local talent to audiences near and far. We built TCP to utilize YouTube as it’s central platform for distribution because it’s free for all and it has global reach.

We have already gained interest and engagement from large media outlets who are interested in promoting and doing stories on TCP a few months after its online release. We had a special moment at FIN (Atlantic Film Festival) where we met with a high profile individual from a high profile media outlet who took a very strong interest in TCP after watching just a few minutes of footage. So far, we have had very positive responses considering we only applied to two Atlantic Film Festivals. When the time is right, we will pull the trigger and attempt a wider marketing campaign; however, we are primarily focussed on sharing TCP with our local communities for the next few months. There are over 100 band performances and close to 200 interviews. That’s a lot of content. And I would argue there hasn’t been anything on this large a scale about a single music scene anywhere’s in the world. TCP is unique and it’s purpose is to provide visibility to all the musicians involved. In order to be successful, everyone should share and subscribe TCP YouTube channel. We need everyone in the community to support and promote TCP so that we can reach as many people as possible. The talent displayed in TCP is amazing! New Brunswick maybe a small Province but we punch way above our weight when it comes to music.

Again, we want to thank everyone for their ongoing support of The Capital Project. Beginning in May, TCP adventure goes online and we will be sharing our musical community to the world. With your support, TCP will reach hundreds, thousands, possibly millions of music lovers around the world.

A new video will be out tomorrow!

Subscribe to our YouTube channel here!


Tim Rayne

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

'From Out Of Nowhere' -

Hit with nostalgia today, turned out to be a Faith No More listening binge.....

But first... Today's Vlog: Short but sweet:

Ahhh my love for Faith No More is strong and goes back many years. The band formed in ... Get this 1979. But they didn't make waves until the great College Radio Music invasion of the 1980's.

That's where I first heard Faith No More, was on Nick Oliver's staple Punk Rock radio show 'Institutionalized'. I had heard 'We Care A Lot' and it blew my brains out... I called Nick at the station and asked, 'Who was that??' And he told me who the band was and said he had the album and asked if I wanted to borrow it for a spell... 'Hell yes' I replied (Ok, I might not have said that, but it's what I think I would have said!).

Thus began the love for the band.

'We Care A Lot' -1985

In 1989, while I was living in a car in Victoria BC, I had bought a Metal music magazine and saw that Faith No More had just released a new album.... All my friends in Victoria had never heard of this band and I, as I do with bands I love, I was ranting and raving about their older material... I scraped up the cash to buy the new album and I was in for a shock... The original singer or at least the one that had sung on the last two albums (That bitch and waste of huemahn air Courtney Love had actually been in Faith No More in their earlier incarnation)...

We popped in 'The Real Thing' Faith No More cassette I had bought into my buddies car stereo and heard this:

I was blown away by the new singer.. If you listened / watched the first video, you can see and hear a notable difference between the two. Chuck Moseley the singer on the previous albums had been outed by the band for, among other things, drinking too much and falling asleep on stage.....

So, in came Mike Patton. A singer that knocked Iron Maiden's Bruce Dickinson out of his role as a major influence to both my singing and stage presence.

Fast forward to hmmm 1996? Maybe 97? I FINALLY got to see Faith No More live! It was on the 'King For A Day, Fool For A Lifetime' tour. Probably one of my most favorite shows ever....

I didn't have arthritis yet, but I had given up, goin into the crowds to rock out for bands and had just got a table and was watching the show from a good seat... But near the end, I HAD to go into the crowd and ended up crowd surfing.. As I was handed over the crowd, I ended up in front of my biggest influence, Mike Patton and he pointed right at me and said, "You're there dude!" And  I was like, (inside) 'OMGerd! He pointed at me!!' and then the crowd promptly dropped me LOL..

So the band broke up in 2012... Aside from their brief spot of 'fame' in the 1990's, this band is not a Pop band, they are not a Rock or Metal band, they are not an Alternative band and most of all, they ain't no radio band... It's a niche market for FNM fans and it was a rocky road for them.... So they broke up and went separate ways until reuniting in 2015 and even releasing a new album 'Sol Invictus' in 2015, which was just as bad ass as any previous Faith No More album.

So they still are touring for now. Maybe another album is coming. If not there's quite a legacy they've left musically and they are noted for having an impact on Alt-Rock/Metal and tons of bands cite them as an influence.

The end ....

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Dvlog Walk From Sunday March 24th 2019

Just talking about our get together last night and a little bit of persona history and more!

'Buddy Remembers' - 1St Hand Feeding of 2019

Ok, it was actually the second hand feeding. I didn't get the very first one. But i'm pretty happy about this.

Last Spring I began an 'experiment', like many before me, to see if I could get the local chipmunks to feed from my hand.
After months of patience, 'Buddy' appeared and came right to me.

Now after 4 months locked away under tons of snow, Buddy has burst forth again! To show off his hand feeding skills! Or something....

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Sleep Tracking/Snore Test/Good Friends

Just a little vid that started with bits of yesterday, March 22 and into march 23rd... Buddy plays tricks, then just going through my sleep experiment that included audio recording while I slept....

Joe Rogan PODcast on Sleep, mentioned in this Vlog above:
It might be one of the most important podcasts you ever watch... It was an eye opener for me.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Short Vid Clip Of The Remains of The Squirrels Nest & Post Buddy Encounter

yeah, just a short vid I took after supper... I had another encounter with Buddy, but wasn't recording.
Which was too bad as he ran right towards me, but then dashed into a small ice cave.

Buddy! Second Encounter.... Closer!

So yeah! Saw 'Buddy' out by the garage again, and each day, with warmer weather I've been watching out back to see if the snow might be melted enough to get over to where he's at and today, we got a lot closer....

To see 'Buddy' footage you can forward to 4:37

A couple of pix

Then after supper I saw he was still out there, so, I went out again and I threw him some more nuts and I wasn't really anticipating interacting with him, but, I had one peanut left and he didn't eat the peanuts this time, he collected one in his cheek.

So I held up the one peanut and said, 'Come get the peanut Buddy' and didn't he jump across the snow, right at me and as he got to my feet, he darted to the left and entered a small snow 'cave', where the water had melted, I'm guessing some path for him, because he didn't come back out... And it looks like it could have gone over to and under the fence...

Who knows, but I'm impressed! I'm pretty sure he remembers me.

Storm coming tomorrow,.... We'll see

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Happy Dang Spring!

Although 'technically' it's not officially Spring until 9:30PM tonight or something like that.

On the Gregorian calendar, the Northward equinox can occur as early as 19 March or as late as 21 March at Greenwich. For a common year the computed time slippage is about 5 hours 49 minutes later than the previous year, and for a leap year about 18 hours 11 minutes earlier than the previous year. Balancing the increases of the common years against the losses of the leap years keeps the calendar date of the March equinox from drifting more than one day from 20 March each year.

The March equinox may be taken to mark the beginning of spring and the end of winter in the Northern Hemisphere but marks the beginning of autumn and the end of summer in the Southern Hemisphere

All I can say is, finally. Although I will admit and as you can see by the videos it's getting nicer.....

Or it was....
10:32 AM ADT Wednesday 20 March 2019
Special weather statement in effect for:

Fredericton and Southern York County
Rain, snow and strong winds are forecast for Friday.

A low pressure system is expected to form off the United States eastern seaboard and track northeastward towards the Maritimes on Friday. The system could bring a mix of rain, snow and strong winds to the province beginning Friday morning into Saturday. The precipitation could be heavy at times.

At this time, there is considerable uncertainty in the track and timing of this low which will affect the amount and type of precipitation expected.

Must be a latent St. Patrick's day storm..... And it's throwing a wrench into my plans for the rest of the week.
Seeing as Thursday can be as bad as today (Wednesday) after taking my dose of methotrexate, I was planning on laying low until Friday, as earlier in the week it was like a 30% chance of rain or flurries and a high of like +4/+6... So now i'll have to get out tomorrow. I've got a watch, I've had it for years, but the 'pin' broke and the batteries dead and my fingers are too fucked up to mess with that shit, so I'm gonna go to a jewelers and get it back in working order. 

If it's sunny out where yer at? Get the fuck out there, yer pale as fuck!. So here's some annual 'Springtime videos'
'Lords of Summer'

'Here Comes The Sun' - Beatles cover

Rites of Spring
'Drink Deep'

 I was gonna write more but I think my bucket is calling. Might even take my bucket outside and get some Sun... Have a great one peeps...

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Bang'n Metal & Are You A Boy Or A Girl?

Much thanks to Sandra Tremblay at Art Jewel Designs at 649 Queen St. in Freddy Beach (That kick ass shop just inside the doors on the way to Isaac's Way).
I took her in my new skull bracelet and she banged that fucker into a better shape to fit my dainty little wrists...

Now it'll never leave my wrist! They'll have to cut my hand off to get at it! Muahahahha!

Tonight's methotrexate night! So tomorrow I'm in the 'Vomitoriam'! At least I'm feeling better by Friday, thought last Friday and even Saturday I was still having bouts of nausea.... Only a few more months of this shit... Then I'm on some more shit and after that, the biggest shit of them all...The biologicals.... Ain't life fuckin' grand?

I ran into Sammie X today. We haven't seen each other in a long time. Sammie was a local music/Metal promoter. We've had a lot of great chats about the local scene and now we both seem to have moved to the outer fringes of the scene and both of us had little clue about what's going on, who is doing what, who has new albums, we didn't know jack shit lol.... and I'm kinda ok with that. I loved doing the radio show and I'm sure she loved doing the promotional work, albeit in this city, it's usually a lose/lose situation... It's a horrible city to try and put on shows, because no one ever commits to coming, most don't buy tickets in pre-sale... It's an even more stressful job than in cities where the Metal scene is thriving... Anyhow, it was great to see Sammie.

Alright, time to fall down somewhere, enjoy the 'Dvlog' it's got some rare cutness from Elsa, some more outbound footage of me navigating the fucking icy streets of this city... Few more weeks, it just might be safe to be walking around out there.

Monday, March 18, 2019

FINALLY! A New Order Unbagging!

Was beginning to think some of these items might never show! But then a surprise in the mailbox today!

Check it, check it out Yo!

Blast from the past...... I still remember buying 'Nevermind' when it first came out.. No one had a fucking clue as to who 'Nirvana' was until almost a year later, after 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' had been shown on I had bought 'Bleach' in 1989 when it had come out.
After 'Nevermind' became huge, I started to hate the band. But deep inside, I guess I'll always have a bit of love for the band

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Friday, March 15, 2019

FitBit Deth & First CannaNB Visit

Had a great day and evening hanging with Tim and Natalie Rayne, then took my first visit to the CannaNB store and made my first purchase.....

Also, the FitBit Nancy gave kicked the bucket. I went through all the walk-thrus and everything i could do to get it running, but it's no good.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

It'sa 'Two 'fer Thursday! Two Videos For FREE!


Yesterday was a vomitus maximus day. Felt like crap, did some 'recording' but felt like shit, so I never uploaded it.
So LUCKY you's! Two videos!

Wednesday March 13th

Thursday March 14
Ahhh man, this has to be my best Youtube video thumbnail yet! Almost should have kept the 'stash for a few days, just to fuck with people...

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Drenched by a Driver and the F/N Tree Rat!

Had already felt like crap today when I headed out, it was too beautiful to be at home and I paid for it. All of it's in the video... And that fucking Jerkface the Wonder Squirrel, well you just wait until you see what he did. He's gonna get it and I'm blaming this one squarely on Larry! Ya I said it buddy! Got any more bright ideas? (He knows I'm kidding)

Remember this one?

Monday, March 11, 2019

Dvlog - March 11 2019 - Fitbit - Sleep Tracker Project

So, yeah got this Fitbit Charge HR and apparently you can track / log your sleep, along with the step tracker, heart rate, stair tracker.. All kindsa cool stuff... The wristband is a little wonky, so tonight will be just to make sure it will actually track my sleep.

From what I've read, it 'realizes' you're asleep after you are not moving for like an hour or something (or maybe you've died|!) and then it will sense anytime you roll over (motion tracking), wake up (You move a bit more).

Check out the video... There's actually not much to see... Just me rattling off info.... and stuff...

Sunday, March 10, 2019

'Buddy' The Chipmunk New Footage!

I'm 98% sure this is 'Buddy'. So frustrating I can't get to him and he can't or doesn't want anything to do with trying to make it through the snow to me. That coupled with the fact that the fucking tree rats, led by the nefarious and evil 'Jerkface' the wonder squirrel, will run at Buddy and chase him back into hiding. I'm not just being 'mean' to the squirrels, I've seen them do this with my own eyes.

So, here the video, short, shaky, I had to capture this from my apartment window, on an angle, so yeah, quality is far from supreme.

AMAZING news!!! Just as soon as the clocks changed, so, seemingly, did our weather.. Or at least temperatures...
Check out the temperatures for this week:
Monday: +6C - 42.8F | Tues: 0C - 32F | Wed: +4 - 39.2F | Thurs: +6C - 42.8F| Fri: +10C - 50F

That brings great happiness to my heart and soul... We may have finally made it over the hump to Spring... BUT, it could be a trap! I suspect there will be cold days ahead... But slowly but surely we're getting there!

Now, it's too bad, just as it's getting nice and I have to keep trying to increase my methotrexate dose, thus making me sicker as it's getting nicer...


March 10th 2010 - Corey Haim passes away

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Skull & Bones + Lantern Quest

Just ignore that 'Of Death' bit....It's part of the title....

Doya'll like these videos? or should I shut up and go back to writing haha.

Oh oh, Elsa's not happy I'm typing...

Damn it, that was supposed to blend with the background better....

Friday, March 8, 2019

Screwed Over By The 'Step Tracker'

Video speaks louder than words.... Especially if you turn up the volume.....

Soundgarden - Drawing Flies

Alter Bridge - One Day Remains

Wednesday, March 6, 2019


methotrexate is kicking my ass. Slept most of the day. Though first thing this morning the house 'fix it' guy was by to check out the oven. He tinkered around, pulled out the schematic paperwork, was perplexed about something, then said he might be back. He was heading to an appliance store and then mentioned that sometimes it's just easier to buy a new one...

So an hour or so later I got word from the landlady that a new oven/stove is coming tomorrow morning at 9.
See, this is one of the many reasons why I've enjoyed being a 'renter' for... my adult life. When something breaks, ensuring you have a decent landlord, it gets replaced..... For FREE! and with no labor on your part whatsoever!

Had to laugh, saw this article on CBC

High snowbanks and power lines don't mix, NB Power warns

NB Power advises people to stay 10 metres — or the length of a bus — away
Gail Harding · CBC News · Posted: Mar 06, 2019 6:45 PM AT | Last Updated: an hour ago

While it might make for a cool picture to stand atop a high snowbank, NB Power is warning people across the province not to get too close to power lines.

Even if a line isn't touched, an electric current can occur and cause serious injury, the utility says.

"What can happen is once you approach an overhead line you don't necessarily have to touch it to get an electrical shock, an electrical arc can occur," NB Power spokesperson Sheila Lagacé said Wednesday.

NB Power posted a warning on social media after seeing pictures of people standing on top of high drifts and high snowbanks after recent storms, she said.

"Even staff in our regional office in the Acadian Peninsula called to notify about those big snowdrifts and the power lines that were very close to it, so we put out that post."

Safety first

NB Power says you don't have to touch a power line, to get a shock and be seriously injured. People should keep a bus length away from them. (NB Power/Facebook)
Safety is paramount for all, Lagacé said, so NB Power wanted to remind people to stay a certain distance from power lines.

With water making up about half the human body, a person would be a conductor of electricity and would act like a grounded object, she said.

"When that person is too close to the power line or the live conductor, there's a risk of getting an electrical shock,  especially when the voltage is high."

NB Power posted a warning on social media after seeing pictures of people standing on top of high drifts and high snowbanks after recent storms, she said.

"Even staff in our regional office in the Acadian Peninsula called to notify about those big snowdrifts and the power lines that were very close to it, so we put out that post."

Safety first

Safety is paramount for all, Lagacé said, so NB Power wanted to remind people to stay a certain distance from power lines.

With water making up about half the human body, a person would be a conductor of electricity and would act like a grounded object, she said.

"When that person is too close to the power line or the live conductor, there's a risk of getting an electrical shock,  especially when the voltage is high."

Lagacé said high voltage electricity can jump.
"For example, kids are playing in wet snow — that can create a dangerous situation."
The best thing to do is to stay 10 metres away — or the length of a bus, she said.

If high snowbanks are a concern, NB Power will work with the proper officials to have them removed.
But the best thing to do, Lagacé said, is to stay away and stay safe.

Have people become so .... dumb? I mean, I did a lot of dumb stunts as a kid and young adult, but c'mon now....

Tomorrow, depending on the accuracy of the upcoming weather and now, I agree, most weather networks/weather people, forecasts, are shit, but I find when you cross reference a group of information from different sources, you can get a good idea, this is how I work with all information i'm in-taking, but according to those reports, tomorrow  is the LAST extremely cold day in the next month.
PLUS, this weekend, time changes, so, MORE daylight! Even though the methotrexates' making me vomit, this makes me happy.... The weather news, not the vomiting.

Don't worry, no vomiting videos, I promise *

*finger's may or may not have been crossed when this promise was made.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

I don't know what to call this one...

But, it's up close and personal and involves the potential death.... Of my stove.

No stormsa 'comin'.... A couple of frigid days and then a bit of a milder trend... Or so it looks like...

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Tales From Snicelandia Craptacular 21 Minute Special!

Video volume is louder than typed words......:

Snowstorm Imminent 
Snowfall warning in effect for:

Fredericton and Southern York County
A low pressure system will approach from the southwest tonight and track across Nova Scotia on Monday. Light snow will develop over western New Brunswick overnight into Monday then spread across the province and intensify to snow at times heavy Monday morning and persist through the day. Total snowfall amounts of 15 to 30 cm is expected with the highest amounts most likely over the southern half of the province. Snow may mix with ice pellets over southeastern sections later in the afternoon. In addition, blowing snow over exposed areas will reduce visibilities at times.

Visibility may be suddenly reduced at times in heavy snow. Surfaces such as highways, roads, walkways and parking lots may become difficult to navigate due to accumulating snow. There may be a significant impact on rush hour traffic in urban areas.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Another Episode of... Snicelandia!

Yes, yes my friends, more adventures from the land of snow and ice!


I'm frakin' beat into the Earth today.. 

I did see Buddy again this morning. He's got a hole that comes out just under the corner of the 'barn//garage next door to us (where the fire was). I was super angry to see the fucking squirrels scaring him off. I've compltely filled the bird feeder and I could even see lil Buddy sniffing the air, so he knows what's there, just the squirrels won't leave him be!! Damn them!

Oh well, he'll soon have holes opened up closer to the food source, then he'll fuck over them tree rats!

Tomorrow, snow, a bit of a 'storm'... then Monday... More snow.... In total, if we get max forecast, we may see a further 25/30cm of snow...


Friday, March 1, 2019

Vid Footage Of Possibly 'Buddy'- Walkabout & Bird Feeders Up!

Is this 'Buddy' the chipmunk?

And all of this too!:

This is kinda an annual video I post around 'Spring' time... Just to bring in the warmth of the Sun.

Everything that has died over Winter in the Spring is renewed...

Here's Comes The Sun - Ghost version:

This was a 'fan' made video and actually THE video that 'turned me on' to Ghost

Enjoy! The darkness is almost gone, soon we'll bask in the Sun of Summer


HOLY CRAP! I was sitting eating lunch and I noticed that Elsa was intently watching something out the big picture window... I assumed it was the tree rat... But I got up, went to the window and who was outside??


I'm pretty sure it's him.. If not, it could be one of the family! Man! March 1st and he's out and about...

I really hope it's him, I've wondered if he'd survived the winter at all and maybe he did... Like I've said, he certainly wasn't short on food haha...

More to come

Last known photo of 'Buddy' -From last Fall