Wednesday, December 20, 2017

STOP! Motion

Note: This Blog has been edited - 

So Ciaron Lewis (A La Neighbourhood Watch Lewis) and I caught the new Star Wars last night. I won't give it a 'review', NO SPOILERS, except to say that Dennis Rodman's cameo as JarJar Binks doing a break dancing scene was absolutely stunning. Speaking of 'absolutely stunning, this is all I'm going to reveal about the film, it's absolutely stunning!  I mean, it's Lucas Arts (although does Lucas even have anything to do with Star Wars anymore?), but what I'm getting to is that this is the baby of 'Scie Fi', it's like, all this new technology, they test it on other films first, but it's all for making Star Wars movie's as much at the pinnacle of technology as possible and yeah, it's a beauty.... Being high might've contributed, but who knows, I dug it.

Last night after the movie, I came home, did my usually nightly routine, got into bed and had strange weird dreams. Now, I've come this this conclusion, the realization, this belief, that the side you sleep on, how you sleep, reflects on what kind of dreams you'll experience.
I've slept on my right hand side for years... I dunno, it's most comfortable for me, I can't sleep on my back, because it's too hard on my back and I dislike sleeping on my stomach, so the right side it is (the left side I'll get to shortly).... I've slept on my right side for eons now, and I came to notice that I never had 'nightmares' and I never had many to any dreams that involved sexual content... Last year it dawned on me about this sleeping on my left side thing and I looked it up online.
So according to the 'Internets' from the website 'Everyday':
On your side. Sleeping laterally is the most common sleep position. Studies have found that right-side sleepers experienced more positive dreams and fewer nightmares than left-side sleepers.

So sleeping on your Left side, you tend to have more nightmares, sexual dreams... Sleeping on your stomach apparently will give you crazy nightmares and sexual dreams as well....

So last night, I dreamnt about what seemed to be a like a strip mall of bars with bands and really nice friendly women. It's been, jeez, like 6-7 years since I've dated a lady. I just don't find I have any desire to go through the motions of the 'games' that women say they don't want to play. This'll piss off maybe some women, but they SAY they don't want to play games, but they still do.... An example? Sure..... So, you're out and your online, say Facebook, and you've been dating this gal and you want both be honest, you don't want to play games, you want to be happy, in amour and this gal you went to school in elementary school messages you on Facebook, who knows, just to say "Hi" or just wants to add you. Being in a relationship, of course no secrets, so your girlfriend see's this girls added you. Now, this is where the "fun" begins... She may ask you about this 'chick', "Ohh, I see this girl added you? How do you know each other" You, 'Oh, we went to school together years ago'.... Now this is where the "game" can either be played or not. The girlfriend or vice versa, can decide at this point, to leave it be ( I mean really, it's just a school friend that you haven't even seen since grade 6-7, who knows, so there's NO real reason to question it further). But some women, they don't want to 'leave it be', so it beings, "Ohh, well why did she add you?", YOu, 'I dunno, probably just adding FB friends' (why does anyone add anyone?) - Girlfriend, "Oh, well she must like you, or why would she add you?".... What I'm getting at, is there's a lot of times that one has a choice, it's like a 'Y' in the road, one path is a silent happy one, no worries, who cares, it's just some 'girl' he went to school with, the other road is the slippery path to arguments, to suspicion and speculation.... This is the example of 'games' I have NO desire to give time to. 
Anyhow, every so often, I have a dream and in that dream is a beautiful woman, sometimes two, but they, unlike real life, are interested in me... I wake up thinking, 'Well maybe it'd be nice to have a girlfriend'... But to be honest, in the last 6-7 years that I've been 'on my own', I've been super happy, seriously, I'm not tryin to convince myself of that lol, I'm really content not having someone. I can... erm 'take care of myself' quite fine. I don't answer to anyone about anything. Go when, where, what time, how, when I'm back, where I've gone, all questions and answers that only come back to me and no one else. But, hey, I'm a man and I do love women. There's so many beautiful women around. Maybe someday it'll happen, but who knows, maybe it won't. 
I remember being a kid and always telling Aunt's, Uncles, cousins, friends, that 'I was never goin to get married' and they'd always say, "Ohhhh you'll change your mind, everyone changes their minds".... I've been engaged twice, I've been proposed TO, three times. But lol, I'm kinda glad, about at least one, I didn't say yes to. Why those 'engagements' fell apart, not for any nefarious reasons, just life or growing apart.
That dream last night, did stem from sleeping on my right side, it wasn't a sexual dream really, just nice, flirty, affectionate and as per usual vivid and 'movie-like'. I find my right-sided dreams are very movie-like, they are big theatrical productions.  
So yeah, great dream, sometime's I wake up and I'm just like, 'What the fuck was that about?'... But I don't think dreams mean too much, like many things, people read into them too much. I mean, sure, if you've been abhorrently abused or had some grave incidents in your life, yeah, it'll effect your dreams, but for the most part, I don't even dream about anything currently going on in my life. I usually didn't have dreams about being at work or playing onstage (I've only had one dream I can remember playing on stage), kinda weird I haven't as it's something that is so profound to me, it means lot to play live
*Note this next section is kinda the same post as 'Who Are You?' a post I made a few days ago, but I kinda expanded on it... Kinda:

Speaking of playing live.... The other day, for some odd reason, I got on a Black Sabbath kick. 
Musically, I've always liked to listen to that many other's are not listening to. It's what drove me to 'find' bands like Faith No More, Nirvana, Soundgarden long before most people even had a clue who they were. So the "normal" bands that a Metalhead or Rock aficionado would listen to, were not for me, and it's only been years later that I've 'discovered' catalogs of bands music that I love.
Some bands I kinda considered too 'cliche' to listen to... All the 'Metalheads' LOVED 'Sabbath Man' or 'Zepplin MAN!' - Still don't like Led Zep... AC/DC and this is a sin to say in New Brunswick, you can get shot for this one, but I HATE AC/DC... 'Back In Black' had it's spin on my turntable as a kid and then I moved ON... In fact, the only 'DC album I do like or did like, was 'Fly On the Wall', certainly not a 'BIG' AC/DC record...KISS is another 'standard' 'Rock/Metal' band I don't quite care for... Except 'Destroyer', they shoulda packed it in after that tour lol....
My Brother Gordie listen to a lot of the 'Classic' Metal / Rock bands: Van Halen, AC/DC, Judas Priest and I'll admit, I started out with the standards, Iron Maiden, Priest, Anvil. But nearly immdiately sought out heavier, stranger, wilder music.
So, Sabbath... I acquired their 'catalog' and was blasting some tunes, many favorites and they are divided near equally between Ozzy, Dio and Ian Gillian's works. But for some reason, I don't ever recall hearing the 'Sabbath song 'The Writ' -
Love the song and it seems to be kinda relative to KISS' 'Destroyer' album, that what I took from it was at a time when the band was beginning to understand the 'game' of Rockstardom, the groupies, the sleazy record execs, all of them feeding hand and foot off of your fame... But one of the big thing's about this 'Sabbath kick' was that I found a song that was on a Sabbath tribute album done by a band called 'OLD' doing 'Who Are You'.... Simply mind blowing, check it out here:

So,.;///////////\'''''''''''''' - some input from my cat Elsa...

So, the music thing, IF, I do anything musically, I'd love to maybe do like a Sabbath Tribute, maybe record some Sabbath, Kyuss, Queens of The Stone Age covers... In the new year, I've been asked to record a song with a Saint John band, I won't say who, albeit to say they are one of my favorite New Brunswick bands, and I'm super stoked to help out on their next album. It's a HUGE honor that anyone would ask me to sing on their album. Huge honor.

Lately I've been thinking of that in a few years I'd move to the desert sands of Eastern Cali, Nevada, Arizona, but who knows, America may be on the verge of civil war, the middle East is in the state of perpetual war and fellow huemahns all over the World are beginning to reject their countries political systems, so who knows what'll happen in the next few years. I won't be going anywhere until after my Father passes, which hopefully won't be for a while.
Today I started to work on a project for a local project.
TimRayne and Arthur Thompson and a crew of incredible talented folk have been working on the 'Capital Project' A local documentary about Fredericton and the surrounding areas incredible music scene, past and present. Over, well over 80 interviews, live performances, it's a documentary, webseries and historic tome of this local music scene and the people who've made it up. For the project Tim's asked a few of us to work on some stop motion shorts for segues between chapters, genres and interviews. I'm quite excited to be part of the project, I've already helped out in the filming process, I think I've done 3-4 interviews with Tim about my history in the local scene and then to be asked to be part of this, erm part of the documentary is truly an honor. It'll be very cool, but since it's all part of something to be released later, I probably won't be able to share much more about it. But at a time when I've given up on pretty much everything I had been doing, it's a fun little project to keep me busy.

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