Friday, December 8, 2017

13 Assassins

So, in my spare evening time, I no longer watch ANY of the MASS amount of 'series' that they are currently ramming down everyone's eyeballs.

I just could no longer stomach all the 'reality' shows.

But movies, old movies, newer movies, that's been my thing. I've watched probably hundreds of movies... Foreign movies, North American movies...

I sometimes, get a thought in my head, like the other night, 'Samurai' and then go diggin for movies and make lists... I've seen all the 'Ninja' movies, more older than newer, but I found this film from Japan, 13 Assassins and it's mind blowing. So very well down, major effects, but in a simple way.

Now of course being a 'Samurai' story, it ain't pretty lol, there's a lot of bloodshed, a lot.... There's actually one point in the film where shit goes sideways.. I mean literally, the camera goes sideways as the blur of swords, men and blood fight on... There's one scene where blood explodes from a roof and I still haven't figured out what that came from.

But in the end, if you look at this another way, it's kinda a story about military soldiers and keeping an oath to protect their leader at ALL costs, defend him with your very life, even if he's a sick, demented tyrant, your duty is but one thing to protect your leader (No, I'm not insinuating that someone should take a bullet for trumpy).

The sign reads "Total Massacre"

Oh yeah, our first and probably last snow storm of 2017 is coming tomorrow night (Saturday, Dec 09).
According to The Weather Network:
Issued at 21:47 Friday 08 December 2017
Snowfall, with total amounts of 15 to 20 cm is expected.

Winter conditions expected across the Maritimes during the weekend.

A low pressure system will approach the Maritimes from the southwest on Saturday. Snow is expected to spread across southern New Brunswick Saturday afternoon. The precipitation will continue Saturday night and Sunday morning. Over the Fundy region, the snow will change to ice pellets along with a risk of freezing rain, and then to rain. Current guidance suggests snowfall amounts near 20 centimetres. Conditions are expected to improve later on Sunday.


Visibility may be suddenly reduced at times in heavy snow.

Lovely eh?

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