Sunday, December 10, 2017

Someone Left The Freezer Door Open.....

And look at the mess it made.......

According to the news we got about 15-20cm of snow. The 'Farmer's Almanac' had said that this 'season', I'm guessing that's the end of 2017 / 2018 Winter, we're supposed to get 6 "major" storms.
I don't know if we can call this 'storm' we had last night as one of those 6, it seems nowadays the news/meteorologists call any time it snows a "storm"... But if it knocks one of those 6 off, we'll be scott free of storms until January, then just February, March..... SPRING!

UPDATE!: Well jeez, I was just looking up the 'Farmer's Almanac' story I saw for this Winter season coming up and on the right side of the CBC page, I saw all these 'weather warnings'... And saw that Fredericton was listed.... I thought that maybe, for some reason CBC hadn't removed the warnings for this last 'storm'... That's what I thought.
Apparently, there's another system coming Tuesday morning into the night. Maybe 15 more centimeters of snow, but then it's supposed to warm up and possibly change to freezing rain... Ahh gotta love the Maritimes and it's mixed bag storms....

Back to the Almanac.... from the CBC:
""Geiger said Atlantic Canadians should expect one storm in January, two storms in February and two in March.

Those storms are predicted to hit:

Jan. 20 to 23
Feb. 4 to 7 
Feb. 16 to 19
March 1 to 3 
March 20 to 23
"It'll be a substantial winter, at least according to the Farmers' Almanac," Geiger said in an interview with Information Morning Fredericton.

"There is at least one storm on [February] 4th to the 7th where we talk about 30 to 60 centimetres and, as you know, the amounts of snow can vary by small geographies," he said."

So there ya have it! Mark them on your calendar... I thought I had seen it say that we'd get this storm in December, but maybe that was last years... Whatever, it's snowed and there's no going back....

Are you afraid of clowns? I'm not.. I certainly am not, considering that I put on a 'creepy' clown mask when the band played our song, 'The Town Fair', about an evil... town fair.... I was going to post a photo of a clown, maybe 'Pennywise', but I figured that'd just scare any coulrophobics away (That's people who have a phobia of clowns)...
I was never much of a Stephen King fan. In my younger years, I had gone from reading comic books and books from the library on the supernatural and then onto H.P. Lovecraft books, introduced to me by Iron Maiden of course! So once I started to try to read King's book, I just didn't find them scary and in fact I found them rather boring.
In 1990, I was working and I worked a lot. I started working for Modern Building Cleaners after I had left High School in grade 10. Modern Building Cleaning was a local janitorial service that had most of the contracts in the city at the time. So being young, I let them put me to use. So, working mostly evenings and graveyard shifts, I missed a lot of the "evening" television programs on of the time. 'Married with Children', the early seasons of 'The X-Files', The Simpsons, Star Trek and on and on.
So I completely missed when 'IT' aired on television, though I remember all the hype around it, all my frightened friends. But by then, I'd seen a few King movies, of course the 'Shinning' is a classic, 'Christine' wasn't bad, Pet Cemetery, naw, now that great... 'Maximum Overdrive'? I mean 'cmon, it had AC/DC doing the soundtrack, so that alone was an X on that movie right away... The Creepshow movies were pretty good, I liked those. I watched 'Dreamcatcher' the other week and it was actually pretty good. I would say that, if anything, the movie's made from King's stories were better than the books/short stories.
After Lovecraft, I discovered Clive Barker and I mean, c'mon, let's be realistic here, even King himself said that Barker was the new King of Horror and I'd say it was very true. Barker explored horror's that King wouldn't have ever dreamed of.
So, the new 'IT' is just finishing, and you know what, even though I've never seen the origina, this wasn't too bad... I guess a sequel is coming in 2019.... Will they make 'Pennywise' into the new Freddy Krueger? Jason Voorhees? and make a bunch of super lame sequels, that would probably have been great original scripts, but then the producers and Hollywood bigwhigs get a hold of it and make them into really lame movies, like I believe they did with most of the original spin offs of Nightmare on Elm, Friday the 13th and Halloween movies... Time will tell... |Dang it, I still wanna post a clown pic!

Don't look down here.......

I told you not to.....

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