Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Season's Greetings!

Well that was a great Christmas. A few days before the 25th, my good friend and mentor (when I worked in the 'live lighting & sound industry') Terry Daly was up for Christmas.
When I moved back, Terry lived in Fredericton with his wife Joanne and he commuted to his job in Nova Scotia working in the film industry there. A couple years ago, for financial reasons, they sold their house here in Fredericton and moved down to Chester, Nova Scotia. Before that time, I had spent a lot of holidays with the Daly family. They welcomed me into their home and I got to know many of their kin. So it's been kinda a 'tradition' of sorts that each year, when Terry and Joanne come up that I'll go and spend some time with them. This year they were up a couple days before Christmas, which worked out because I was heading to Saint John on Christmas eve.

So of course, for the holiday season, the East Coast HAD to get hit by a icestorm on the 23rd, I left for Saint John and my Brother's place on the 24th. My driveway (most driveways and parking lots) was sheer ice. I did put down enough salt to make traction and get me safely off my driveway for my taxi when I had to go to the bus depot. Last year I had gone down to SJ with my Brother's girlfriend's sister and her boyfriend.
Made it to SJ safely and of course on Christmas day, the East Coast was walloped by a snowstorm. While it snowed for nearly 8 hours in Saint John, it continued to snow into the night in Fredericton, along with high winds.
Always have a blast at my Brother's, his girlfriend and her children live right next door and they are a really wonderful family. The kids are just incredibly calm and happy, they don't scream and fight or yell, they are only as 'spoiled' as any other children at Christmas, but the mountain of toys and gifts are incredible. They had Christmas 'Eve' on Christmas day instead because the kids were with their Father.... Anyhow, Crystal, my Brother's g/f makes incredible food. Everything was so good and it means a lot to me to go down to stay with them.
So, what did I get for Xmas? Well, the usual, socks, nice warm, new socks... A couple shirts, including an awesome 'Punisher' shirt and a 'Spiderman' shirt. My Brother got me a collectible Todd McFarlane Spawn figure, which is from the very first toy run. This is cool because I actually own the first Spawn figure that came out in like 1994 or so. I also got a VR headset, just one you use with your phone, but it's pretty cool and there's some real cool videos out there for it. I got a 'Fidget spinner', these I think were made for children with autism, but quickly turned into 'THE' toy to have. I've started learning some tricks you can do with them and Elsa also seems to enjoy the spinner as well. I got a tie and some chocolate.
I did get one gift before Christmas and that was a Orion Spaceprobe 3 EQ telescope! I've always wanted one and when my Sister-in-law asked what I'd like for Christmas I just threw it out there as a 'dream' gift. This ain't one of them high tech telescopes that with a console you just press what you want to see and it 'takes you there'..... This is an old school manual telescope and it's up to me to learn how to use it and I'm totally game for it as space is one of my biggest passions. With my DSLR, I've taken pics of the Moon and that camera is pretty good, but I'll be able to see much more than the Moon! The Orion manual tells me I'll be able to see Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn but don't worry, I can't see.... URANUS! HA! Love 'Uranus' jokes hehe!  I'll also be able to view some deep space objects as well, like Nebula's and galaxies.
I got a lift home with my Brother's girlfriends sster and her boyfriend yesterday (Boxing day) and got home and the driveway wasn't cleared out at all, in fact I was the only person to traverse it since I left a couple days before. My neighbors are away and they'd said that if we had a major snowfall that they'd have someone over to plow me out, I mean, I don't drive, but still, it's good to have a clear driveway.
We had been up super early on Boxing day morning because it was the kids 'Christmas morning', so i was beat tired and was up late last night getting myself unpacked, fed, cleaned up and so on... So needless to say, I slept all day.... Oh right, I forgot to mention....
So, the 'icestorm', then the 'snowstorm', think that'd be enough for a week? No no, not in Eastern Canuckia.... Boxing day, after the storm has passed Environment Canada issued a new weather warning.
Now, it gets cold here, that's a given,, but when Environment Canada issues a 'Weather warning' for "Extreme cold", you know it's going to be UBER cold! -30 and below cold... For like the next 6-7 days for FUCK's sake! Sorry for the cursing, but that kinda cold deserves the swearing.. Fucking -30 and more as daytime HIGH's!! For SIX days!! But, i'll take the time to clean up, read up on my telescope and practice my 'Fidget spinner' tricks for the 'Fidget Spinner International Olympics next Summer!
I also was luck to get in some kitty snuggling at Crystal's.
I'll leave ya's with a cute kitty's pic. This is Sox and Echo... Such cute good kitties!
If you don't hear from me in over a week on here, I've frozen solid....

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