Friday, January 26, 2018

What Dreams May Come

What movies really tug at your heartstrings? There's only two movies that really move me. One of them being 'Eight Below', yes, the movie about huskies. owning a husky, losing a husky, I can barely watch the movie, in fact I've only seen it twice. The first time I couldn't and didn't watch it the whole way through. Seeing the dogs in danger, seeing the dogs die, was just too much. Maybe it's akin to having children, whether a man or a woman and I really don't know because I've never had children, but I hear and understand that the process changes you. Creating a being, a huemahn from your own self and mixed with the life of a partner, it changes you. I've spoken to many of my friends who loved gore, violence, that after having children they couldn't handle these movies, some could bare them other's could not.
Of course Alita, my husky wasn't made from me, I had no part in her birth. All I did was bring her from her home, away from her siblings and parents into my home. We had an extremely strong bond, but I'm guessing most if not all pet owners do. Of course there are those, who for whatever reason acquire a pet and they don't care for it, they don't love it... I can't fathom that at all. Every pet I've owned I've cherished deeply, but then again, I have no partner in life, so, my pets mean a lot to me as they've been there through thick and thin.
So yes, 'Eight Below' moves me. I have finished the movie, but I really don't have much desire to watch it again. Not because it's a bad movie, it just makes me feel things I don't want to feel. I lost Alita once. She got out of the yard and was only missing for about an hour or so, but it was THE worst time. Horrible feeling not knowing where she was, if she was ok, was she hit by a car? Did someone scoop her up and take her away? It was very hard and I can't imagine anyone losing their child or partner, having them go missing. Rough stuff.

The other movie that really moves me is 'What Dreams May Come', a 1998 film starring Robin Williams, Cuba Gooding Jr. and Annabella Sciora. The film is about a couple who's two children are killed in an accident and then years later Robin Williams character 'Chris Nielsen' (odd that he's a 'Chris') is killed in a car accident, he dies, ends up in 'Summerland' (a name for a simplified Heaven in Theosophy, and for Heaven in general in religions such as Wicca).
Now those who know me, know I'm not a christian or religious. I don't know what lies beyond our lives, if anything. I'd like to believe we return to the Universe, we return to the dust and molecules that we're made up of.
But the film is quite sad, but does have a lot of humorous moments, intense and mysterious moments. Why exactly it touches me the way it does I don't know. I saw it well before my Mom passed away. I hadn't even lost any of my closest of friends at that point. But I guess maybe it just releases memories and in the years I've watched it after the passing of family, friends and pets, it of course bring back memories.
'What Dreams May Come' is beautifully shot, and was filmed using Fuji Velvia film. This is a type of film used by landscape photographers that captures vivid color reproduction. It one a few awards for it's effects and filming.
It's 'concept' of heaven and it's surrounding lands is quite brilliant and captivating. Would it be my "ideal" after life? I don't know. Our/my thoughts of what may lay beyond this world is influenced by so many things, years of upbringing in the Anglican church, movies, songs, stories. Maybe that is precisely what fuels our thoughts of the afterlife and who knows, maybe that's what happens when we pass. Our minds reflect on our fears, hopes and joys, maybe if you've had more joy than fear, pain or hurt, then you end up in a happier place... Mind you, I've had a lot of pain, a life time already, physically more than emotionally.
Anyhow, 'What Dreams May Come' isn't a pushy christian film, it's not preaching anything, it's just a story filled with emotion and I think that, over anything else is why it moves me.

The cold 'snap' is about to end! Tomorrow, the temperature, it's forecast, to go from -13 in the morning to +3 in the afternoon and Sunday it says +8! I can totally embrace that! Next weeks temps look pretty decent, but I do hear that another cold snap is coming. Spring is rushing towards us and I can't wait for it and Summer to come.

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