Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Baseball Bat To The Ribs

Ugh, Weather went from like -17C this morning to just above freezing now. I mentioned a science journal lately published a report that rain, itself, doesn't cause arthritis flare ups or 'joint pain'.... But as I mentioned it's not the rain itself, it's the barometric pressure.
What's ailing me this evening are my ribs. Old breaks, sprains even just some place that you might hit real hard, will come back to haunt you later as osteoarthritis. I broke my ribs in 1998, sometimes when it rains it comes back to haunt me and it's haunting me. Hell it's possessing me.

When I was up early this morning to pop my Naproxen (anti-inflammatory), I saw that I'd received an email and when I saw that it was a 8.0 had struck, at first I'm kinda, hmm used to seeing those numbers and it being somewhere in the middle of the ocean or something like that, so my eyes bugged out when I saw it was the Gulf of Alaska. Of course in 1964 there was a massive quake that caused a sizeable tidal wave that smashed Anchorage and other cities along the coast, so an 8.0 is pretty good, a tusnami alert was issued for almost the entire West coast. What I guess we didn't know/take into account was that this was a 'strike-slip' quake, which is a horizontal quake so unlike a subduction quake, it's not displacing as much water. Subduction quakes can have the ocean floor 'snap' up and it can displace mass amounts of water, like in Japan, that will send tsunami's barreling towards the coastlines. So, give the size of the quake, which was over the day downgraded to a 7.9 didn't cause much if any real damage. Now there's been some real sizeable aftershocks, some almost as large as the original quake. I'm seeing in news reports that with this quake people are extremely happy with the time given from the time the quake happened to the sirens going off, emergency texts and calls sent out, a lot of people managed to get away from the coast. Sad thing is, people can become complacent, sometimes quakes and major natural disasters can not send death hurtling to populated areas, so when they happen again, people will think, "Ohh nothing to worry about", always react! Always follow emergency instructions and damn it! Always have an emergency kit! I've got one! You should have one, it should be able to help you and your family for at the least 48 hours at the most a week or more. have batteries, flashlights, first aid kits, some food, some clothing, some blankets, stuff for your kids, an emergency radio, some cash. A natural disaster won't be as goofy as you see in the movies, but it'll be real and frightening. I'm glad everyone is safe and sound on the West Coast.

That graphic at the begining of this blog is a  great piece of art by 'Pushead', one of, if not my favorite artist. He's been known to do a lot of artwork for Metallica, Rush, a lot of Japanese bands. I have some great pieces by him, a few shirts, even sneakers with his work on them. What is crazy is that the Japanese have made these toy lines out some of his works and those tiny figures, like less than 3inches tall are over $2-300!! lol Makes me mad, because there's some cool stuff by him.
One piece I've always wanted was the 'Jar Of Pus' kit :
There's variations of this sculpture, some are glow in the dark, some are metal... But all of them are expensive... 
I do have a 3D sculpture of 'The Wave'

As well as my Pushead skate deck from Conspiracy Skateboards. I dig skulls and I love the way that Pushead draws them. Almost all of his works have skulls in them and are just mind blowing. I've been told because of his style that he does his art that a replica tattoo of one of his works would be near impossible, but I've seen some decent ones.
Dude is amazing!
OK, that's enough, I need to lie down.

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