Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Jeez, been a while eh? Let's Ketchup!

So, we last left off, our sister and her husband Larry came to town. We've only met 3 times and so it was great to spend time with them and let them see a bit of the 'history' my Dad, brother's and I had here in Fredericton... Seems to me I'm recalling I did write about our adventure at our old homestead on Elmcroft place.

So, that's it, I was off to Saint John with Gordy. We left after Dad's birthday dinner at our other Brother Scott's place.
So, the video will have a bit of that trip..

What it does not have though is the craziness that happened to me as my Brother and I ran some errands around uptown Saint John on Friday night...

First we went to, aw damn I dunno SJ that well but it's uptown, it's kinda a mall that has Giant Tiger, some bar, a Dollarama and the 'Mr.Music' store (which sells absolutely NO music anymore)... Anyhow, we hit Dollarama and the cashier there was undressing me with her eyes, I didn't make eye contact, no offense, but she was hideous.. I know, I know, I'm no looker myself.. but man... Yikes. Then I had to pee real bad, so we entered the mall and head down this long, long, longgggg, hallway to the bathrooms..
We entered the men's.. of course, and Gord took a stall and I went around the middle stall to the urinal...
As I began my business Gord began to say that a lot of junkies and bums come in these bathrooms to shoot up and stuff... It was at that moment, a second voice joined the conversation and it was the voice of a woman....
The first thought was, 'ok, no big deal, it's a transgendered person using the bathroom.. But nope..

The female voice said, "I like to come in the men's bathroom because it's quieter, too many women are shooting up in the women's bathroom"....

I finished my biz and began to step back and my back hit this outcropping on the wall and I kinda ricochet off the wall and as I came around the corner, there was this .. woman.. thin as a rake, she had foundation in thick streaks randomly on her face. She was still ranting on about how the mens bathroom is awesome to shoot up in, I washed my hands, Gord came out, washed his hands and we left.
We had a conversation with the woman at Mr.Music about our run in in the bathroom and she began to regal us with all kinds of horror stories from the mall...

So we left and headed off to our next stop, some pizza in uptown SJ at one of Gord's favorite 'za joints.
While at the counter there... All of a sudden this woman's hand and arms come around from behind me and she's pressing up against me and she says, "Excuse me dear" as she reaches for the napkins.. All find and good but I didn't need to be .... touched.... in that way....
That woman turns out Gord 'knew' just because he lived in that neighborhood a few years ago and this woman was one of the local drunks... Apparently she lives in a ground hog day, and it's not all just from the booze. She had been married, kids, a job and had an accident and ended up in a coma for a while, when she came round, she had no short and long term memory. She'd not remember you in a matter of hours or the next day.

So that was Saint John! Fun stuff eh?

Sunday the neighbors finished up all their moving out and tonight new people moved in. It's two brother's and a sister from Somalia.  I was told they just got in then country, they had nothing, but today the Multicultural Association helped get them set up with some furniture and bedding I believe.

Alright, videos!
Some of Dad and Lisa's visit and some new LED lights i got going.

Check out Zee lights!

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