Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Feelin' Better

Thanks for all your kind words on FB. I slept a good chunk of the day and did feel a bit better when I got up, got moving around.
Sometimes I think I really get to feel how bad I am when I'm towards the end of my Naproxen (anti-inflammatory) coursing through my body and then once I take it (every 12 hours), well not once, about an hour or more later I begin to notice it's effects. These 'shatter' gummies are most excellent, they really do the trick. Can't wait for all the new products to be unleashed in I guess January now.

SO! It's been a helluva long time since I've posted a video and it wasn't for lack of trying. I must have 3 to 5 days of video, went to work on it and it just never got done and then the next day, i'd take more video and then it didn't get made... I'd start editing, working on stuff but just been too busy.

But then yesterday eve, while waiting for Ciaron (We went to see the 'Joker') and all of a sudden 'CallYou' is being so skittish I ain't even bothering to try and get her to come to me, these two 'munks show up. The 'ShortTail' and this other one... I dunno, it's got a mark on it's hind end like 'Buddy's 'mother' did... But I just can't accept that she's survived that long and this one doesn't seem big enough to be that old.  I dunno... Anyhow... Enjoy, not many more of these left.

AND as a bonus, here's a couple of Fall photo's I've taken over the last couple of weeks:

6:06 A.M.

How are you supposed to sleep when both of your hips are screaming in red hot pain?

My hips have bothered me on and off through this arthritic journey. They've not been my biggest issue, but having a fucked up walking gait and compensating for one bad foot over the other has taken it's toll.

Around 2004, my then rheumatologist told me that by the looks of my feet, knees and hips I'd be permanently confined to a wheelchair in a matter of years.
When I first saw her around the Fall of 2001, I was still in the wheelchair from the rapid onset of psoriatic arthritis that was destroying my feet, heel to toe.
Once I had been diagnosed and was receiving proper medications, in conjunction with going to physio therapy 3 days a week, we'd managed to get the wild uncontrolled inflammation under control, but my disease process was so intense that that's what led my rheumatologist to make that shocking statement about being confined to a wheelchair.... It's 2019 and I've been 'lucky' that my hips HAVE held up on me this long.

Likely one of the most frightening times in my life were those first months when my feet got so bad I did fear losing the ability to stand.
It was a very very humbling experience at age 26 to wind up in that wheelchair, to go from standing and being in really quite decent health to a wheelchair in only a matter of months was a mind fuck....

Anyhow, I've got some really, really great 'shatter' gummies. ... I think its going to be a gummy day. It's also 'Methotrexate Wednesday', so the day was a write off anyhow.
Maybe this pain is due to the incoming storm that's aimed to hit us by early tomorrow morning , I don't know,  but this ain't a fun time.... 

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Pretty Ecstatic For a Wednesday

I've spoken before about the incredible and colossal work that Tim Rayne and his crew at Raynemaker Productions have put in to the Capital Project. I've been there for parts of it and it's still going on!

In case you missed it, I'm not up on Facebook's settings and stuff, so I'm not sure if everyone can see the video I shared from Tim's FB page today, but they uploaded our video today, to say, the Wasteland Zombies spotlight video for the Capital Project.
I'm more than satisfied with the quality of the sound and footage, as well as the band's performance. The guys are super jazzed about the video too! They think it's great!
We could always use more practice and it was a new song, but we were really jazzed on 'Anubis Rising'.
I'm pretty sure we played, 'Kill Scene - Zombie Nation', 'The Fire Breathing Liar' & 'Anubis Rising'.
I maybe should have chose 'Spread Your Wings' as it is our most 'popular'/well known song. But again, we were super happy with our new originals, 'Kill Scene' and 'Fire Breathing...' we'd been playing for some time.

Here's a link to the video:

Second Wednesday in a row, cool stuff happened when I needed it. I ain't gonna gripe much about the methotrexate, but it's working, so it's a necessary evil for right now. Until the, by all means, please keep sending me cool shit on Wednesdays!

Sunday, October 20, 2019

October, Halloween, Ghost Hollow, Sleepy Hollow & Other Haunts....

First, Happy Birthday to my Brother Gordy! Hope you had a great day with your family, I guess really a birthday weekend! It's been really great in the last many years to get to spend so much time with my Brother's. Not that we didn't spend enough time together as kids, being trapped in a car, Dad, Scott, Gord and Myself. WEEKS on the road that close together.. Yeah....
So we've spent our years apart too. Before computers/email and such, we were rarely in touch and I only saw them when I went home to visit.

October, it's beautiful in New Brunswick, the East Coast (including Maine) is flooded with the colors of the dying leaves. Some of the colors are like wildfire, like this:

Fredericton has houses that date back to the late 1700's and graveyards from that period as well. So the area takes on somewhat a 'Dicken's' story like feel. Or that your in 'Sleepy Hollow' itself.

Tonight I'm watching 'Tim Burton's Sleepy Hollow'. I think, in my opinion a fantastic realization of the classic Halloween tale.
NO, I didn't like the TV series. I'm sorry, I don't believe the 'curse of the headless horseman was prolific enough to make it in our World today. It's a great kinda Gothic tale anyhow, it's an old tale, verging on a 'myth'.. Did it really happen? The Hessian mercenary? His brutality in life and his revenge in death?
The Disney cartoons are also taken in each year too. And let's not forget the rarely known and seen Dr. Seuss "Halloween special'! With the Grinch!

I think all this hearkens back to those 'Specials' they'd have on around Halloween, tv stations playing 'Horror marathons',
I also truly believe growing up with a Loyalist cemetery in our backyard had a bit to do with things too.

Traveling around the Kingston Peninsula while Dad was down and during drives with Scott and Andrea, we went through the old highway, and there's so many memories of those roads.

On the Kingston Peninsula there's a place called 'Ghost Hollow'. it was on the way to and back from our Aunt and Uncle's cottage called 'Shamper's Bluff'.
Every time we drove through the hollow we'd have to hold our breaths or the ghosts would get us... or something... We'd travel to 'Shamper's Bluff' through many seasons of the year and the Fall of course just seemed all the more spooky, those old narrow winding roads, with the wind blowing, leaves swirling in the air.. Great memories
This is the alleged story of 'Ghost Hollow' on the Kingston Peninsula:

"There’s also on the Kingston Peninsula, where ‘Ghost Hollow’ is. Allegedly a family was all consumed by a house fire and it is said that sometimes the house appears engulfed in flames and other reports have said the children stand by the roadside, blackened by the soot from the fire."

From: Haunted Locations in New Brunswick

None of us ever saw the "burnt kids", I don't think we ever saw anything nor even knew that tale of HOW 'Ghost Hollow' got it's name. But it scared the bejesus outa us as kids!

The church we went to each Sunday, this massive Gothic cathedral, it was said to be haunted by the wife a former Bishop Medley.
It was said she could be seen (had been seen) gliding from the steps of their former home across the street from the cathedral, in through the church's doors and could be sometimes seen in the church.
Let me tell you, knowing that story and having perpetually shown up for choir practice early as a child. I'd go into the church, if no one was there, no matter what weather, I'd stand outside or if it was really inclement, I'd stay in the entry way, which had huge wooden doors separating you from the inside, it was enough to at least feel a bit easy and have easy access to get the hell out of there if the dang ghost showed up!

As I mentioned, we had a Loyalist cemetery in our backyard, it had a spooky 'ol fence, had a creepy huge Loyalist memorial headstone and then two, what were ancient to us, headstones that may date back to around 1790 something. Little did we know that beneath us, as we played in and around that cemetery, lay some 30 men, women and children... All of them died the first Winter that they came to 'Saint Anne's Point' (What Fredericton was originally dubbed by the English).

I used to watch the cemetery at night from my bedroom window, never did I see a ghostly specter, nothing, not even any weird lights or noises... Except if some partying youths got down there....
I think that had a lot to do with my interest in horror, the occult and stuff, now NOTE I said, 'interest'. I've never been part of or dabbled in the occult... ok, maybe a couple of 'white magic spells' from a small booklet I found in my grandparents side of the house one time....

Anyhow, it's still a great time of year, snow has not flown yet, some days are just really beautiful and today was one of them for it's picture perfect capture of the season, the Fall.

Was great to hang out with Ciaron for a bit too!

SO check out some 'Halloween specials' and Classic Horror movies, There's litterally millions of horror movies out there. Go off the beaten path this year, sure sure, I know we all have our 'staple'/ favorite ones, but search out some lists of Horror movies and find some you've never seen.  You can find a bunch on YouTube and some other web sources.. Netflix has fuck all for Horror movies and I saw some of the selection of other streaming services and they had shit as well.
So go find your own Horror!

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Woke Up Just To Give This To You!

Had managed to edit and render my Thanksgiving 'get-away' vid, but had to crash while it uploaded to YouTube.  BUT! Managed to wake up and see if was finished so I thought, 'What the hay! My West Coast friends and fam are 4 hours behind!

So, here it is. Check out the later part of the video for some 'bumpy' footage of our lovely Fall New Brunswick landscape.
The province is really beautiful almost all times a year. Just our highways suck donkey balls. I'm sorry, they do, everyone knows it.
It's one of the biggest complaints of tourists and friends and family who visit.

But, it's a 'Have Not Province'.... So, we're poor LOL, we're lucky to have roads damn it!

Enjoy and stay tuned... Luggage ain't unpacked....

Wonder if any of the 'Munks are still around......

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Hanging with my other fur family

These two are cuties and in no way are they as high maintenance as Elsa.
(L) Echo - (R) Sox

Friday, October 11, 2019

Chipmunks of the Year! 'LilGuy' & 'CallYou'

Some great footage here! if I do say so myself! we've had a couple of beautiful Fall days. Sad it gets darker so quick and it's about to get darker when the time changes...

'CallYou' surprised me by now jumping up on the lawn chair and taking her peanuts from there, which is awesome, I wish she would have though of that earlier! Enjoy the vid!

Ok, so 'LilGuy's' footage is towards the end, but then you'll miss 'Hoppy' aka 'Stumpy'! So what them all!!

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

A Two Parter?

We'll see if the second part of this video was done by the time I went to bed... If it was, there's two vids for you to all watch, if not......


Part DEUX!

Friday, October 4, 2019

Chipmunks, Smoke Machines & Winter Clothes

How ya'll doing? Great I hope!

The days are growing shorter and soon the 'Munks will be sleeping (Remember, they don't 'hibernate per se).... So yeah short 'Munk vid, but Stumpy shows up later.

Some fog/smoke machine shop talk and ..I dig out the Winter gear.... All this and more, on today's video:

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Jeez, been a while eh? Let's Ketchup!

So, we last left off, our sister and her husband Larry came to town. We've only met 3 times and so it was great to spend time with them and let them see a bit of the 'history' my Dad, brother's and I had here in Fredericton... Seems to me I'm recalling I did write about our adventure at our old homestead on Elmcroft place.

So, that's it, I was off to Saint John with Gordy. We left after Dad's birthday dinner at our other Brother Scott's place.
So, the video will have a bit of that trip..

What it does not have though is the craziness that happened to me as my Brother and I ran some errands around uptown Saint John on Friday night...

First we went to, aw damn I dunno SJ that well but it's uptown, it's kinda a mall that has Giant Tiger, some bar, a Dollarama and the 'Mr.Music' store (which sells absolutely NO music anymore)... Anyhow, we hit Dollarama and the cashier there was undressing me with her eyes, I didn't make eye contact, no offense, but she was hideous.. I know, I know, I'm no looker myself.. but man... Yikes. Then I had to pee real bad, so we entered the mall and head down this long, long, longgggg, hallway to the bathrooms..
We entered the men's.. of course, and Gord took a stall and I went around the middle stall to the urinal...
As I began my business Gord began to say that a lot of junkies and bums come in these bathrooms to shoot up and stuff... It was at that moment, a second voice joined the conversation and it was the voice of a woman....
The first thought was, 'ok, no big deal, it's a transgendered person using the bathroom.. But nope..

The female voice said, "I like to come in the men's bathroom because it's quieter, too many women are shooting up in the women's bathroom"....

I finished my biz and began to step back and my back hit this outcropping on the wall and I kinda ricochet off the wall and as I came around the corner, there was this .. woman.. thin as a rake, she had foundation in thick streaks randomly on her face. She was still ranting on about how the mens bathroom is awesome to shoot up in, I washed my hands, Gord came out, washed his hands and we left.
We had a conversation with the woman at Mr.Music about our run in in the bathroom and she began to regal us with all kinds of horror stories from the mall...

So we left and headed off to our next stop, some pizza in uptown SJ at one of Gord's favorite 'za joints.
While at the counter there... All of a sudden this woman's hand and arms come around from behind me and she's pressing up against me and she says, "Excuse me dear" as she reaches for the napkins.. All find and good but I didn't need to be .... touched.... in that way....
That woman turns out Gord 'knew' just because he lived in that neighborhood a few years ago and this woman was one of the local drunks... Apparently she lives in a ground hog day, and it's not all just from the booze. She had been married, kids, a job and had an accident and ended up in a coma for a while, when she came round, she had no short and long term memory. She'd not remember you in a matter of hours or the next day.

So that was Saint John! Fun stuff eh?

Sunday the neighbors finished up all their moving out and tonight new people moved in. It's two brother's and a sister from Somalia.  I was told they just got in then country, they had nothing, but today the Multicultural Association helped get them set up with some furniture and bedding I believe.

Alright, videos!
Some of Dad and Lisa's visit and some new LED lights i got going.

Check out Zee lights!