Thursday, September 5, 2019

"I Ain't Gunna Tell Ya I Toe-da-so, But I Toeda-so!"

That quote is from the Trailer Park Boys 'Ricky'.... He don't speak Maritime all that well and kinda mixes up his words with other words... to make a whole new Ricky language....

But, I digress!

Last Sunday, Monday, I told my neighbors and friends, 'Watch next Saturday, because that hurricane down South, it's got our name on it.

Now, I'm a bit of a weather nerd. I walk a lot, so weather and what it's REALLY gonna do is important to me.

And I know, the weather people suck. They can't tell if it's gonna frost or the grass is gonna be on fire.

But if you go to multiple weather outlets and collate the information together, you can get a better idea of what MIGHT happen.

So I use '' as a major weather source for major approaching systems, last Saturday, hurricane Dorian wasn't aimed to hit Fredericton dead on, but we all know what happened with Arthur.
So, windy, has three models of forecast you can look into the future weather with. There's a lot of satellites, and all kinds of sensors in the ocean and on land, plus the storm chaser planes that fly through the hurricanes, so while predicting what a hurricane can and will do is somewhat ... hmm better? Than it used to be, it's still not an exact science.

Where 'Dorian' MAY be Saturday, August 7th according to's forecast models

Based on the 3 models at the hurricane itself will NOT hit us.. BUT, it could, as hurricanes can change their directions on a whim sometimes. In fact, it could veer out to sea in the next 3 hours and we might not even get a drop of rain.. BUT,,, That's not likely to happen... Just it could.

So I at this point do not think that hurricane Dorian is gonna hit us or even give us that much of a problem.. and ya wanna know why right? Well it's because I'm prepared LOL.. When I'm ready for a major storm, they often do not come to fruition...

I'm all stocked up, even have enough water for pretty much 5/6 days. Food too...

Anyhoo... Hang tight, if you do not have an emergency kit, get one, Get water, get your food and protect your home and family!~

Don't listen to me lol, Stock up on anything and everything you think you might need for up to a week.... The more OVER PREPARED you are the BETTER!!

Where 'Dorian' is at right now (Thurs Sept 5 3:50PM AT)

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