Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Eventful Evening..

The evening began, right after supper, well, before I go anywhere, I smoke up so I can distract myself from the pain, So I grab my bong and I head for the backyard and as I came around the corner the two young squirrels that live around my backyard are fornicating and they both stopped and were looking at me for a couple of seconds before the one jumped off the other's back... So I yelled at them to quit fornicating in my backyard!
Not the actual squirrels that were fornicating in my yard
So I head out on my walk with the plan to extend it into downtown as for some reason, even though Jessy gave me a a schedule yesterday.... But I head out on my walk with the plan to cut through downtown to see what was shaking... And nothing was LOL...

Although I am glad I did because I ran into Lloyd Hanson! Who haven't seen in ages. Lloyd Hanson is a well known musician and producer. He had a recording studio called Reel North productions and along with Dreamkicks 'albums' - We recorded an EP there with money we won from the Battle of the Bands at Trina's in like 1991? and then we recorded 'Naked Left The Bones', which had 7/8 songs on it. He recorded local Masters Of Metal 'Power Syndrome', 'Geordie Haley', 'Jon Fiddler' and well a whole history of Fredericton bands and musicians.. Anyhow, great to see Lloyd!

Then, right as Lloyd and his buddy headed off for a drink, I run into Martha O'Sullivan!

So, when my Bro's and I were kids and living at Elmcroft place, a cul-de-sac off Waterloo Row, ALL of our neighbors as in the kids we grew up with, were all girls. Even blocks away, it was all girls... Ok, there were the Mcinerney's but we didn't get on well with them...

ANYhow! Martha was a childhood friend of my oldest Brother Scott, well, our families were all friends.
Martha was someone we grew up with from like toddlers to teens. I had not seen her since Mom's funeral. So it was really great to see her. Kinda cool to live in the same area that I grew up as a kid and to run into some of the same people I grew up with there.

I wanted to get out for a bit tonight as it's going to rain all day tomorrow and the evening (feel bad for Harvest ticket holders)... and also, it's/...... Methotrexate night! Yayyy I just took them, so in a couple of hours the nausea will begin! Yayyy! Nausea!

Have a great one everyone....

1 comment:

  1. Always good running into old friends. I'd have to drive 30 hours to run into old friends LOL
