Monday, September 23, 2019

Well, this is it.

The pugs have left the building.... Been sad watching my neighbors move out piece by piece. Tonight is their last night in the house. For a month I'll be solo until they rent out the front apartment.

They've had two families check it out so far. I'd prefer a family over some reckless partying students...

Man, I'm way behind on the the vids! My laptop is chugging slower and slower all the time. Though the new ext hard drive would give me some speed back but processing the videos, even like under 10 minutes can take up to an hour or more, then uploading them to YouTube  can take a bit as well....

So I've finished vids, but it was like way past bedtime when I got them, to YouTube and then just forgot I had to bring 'em here:

So, 3 awesome vids for ya's! Lots of  'Munk action!

Like this one says, 'More Chaos AND Stumpy'!

Oddly titled, but still more 'Munk power! - No, I didn't eat any chipmunks in my tacos

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Return Of The Bot Fly 'Munk!

And as I wrote for the Youtube video, this isn't gross in ANY way, it's just missing a little hair here and there where they were.
I was surprised, I thought one of the other 'munks that come from that direction was the 'bot 'munk', I was wrong.
Good to see it's got rid of them.  It seemed glad to see me, jumping right on my pant leg more than once.
I hope this is a 'Summer' thing and that all the critters, yes, squirrels too are free of such parasites, it's Nature, but man, just yuk!

Don't worry, no 'yucky' clips in this vid. Enjoy!

Hanging Out with 'LilGuy' and 'Stumpy' the Squirrel

Holy it's getting cold fast!

ok, so this vid, if you want to skip some regular feeding and get right to LilGuy forward to 11:58 into the video...

I did two lap feedings with LilGuy, the first one is earlier in the video and wasn't so good, I was all hands and LilGuy was being a bit skittish.

Bleh.. methotrexate Wednesdays... fuckin suck

Monday, September 16, 2019

Two'fer Monday!

yep, two great videos for the price of none!

A bit of Harvest Jazz..... When I was walking along, just holding my camera as I passed through the crowd... I had no idea I had this woman in front of me in red.... Or something....:

And then... The chipmunks, all of 'em are back|! Lil Guy, Call You, The Beyonder and Sweetie! and maybe another one..., Who knows....:

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Eventful Evening..

The evening began, right after supper, well, before I go anywhere, I smoke up so I can distract myself from the pain, So I grab my bong and I head for the backyard and as I came around the corner the two young squirrels that live around my backyard are fornicating and they both stopped and were looking at me for a couple of seconds before the one jumped off the other's back... So I yelled at them to quit fornicating in my backyard!
Not the actual squirrels that were fornicating in my yard
So I head out on my walk with the plan to extend it into downtown as for some reason, even though Jessy gave me a a schedule yesterday.... But I head out on my walk with the plan to cut through downtown to see what was shaking... And nothing was LOL...

Although I am glad I did because I ran into Lloyd Hanson! Who haven't seen in ages. Lloyd Hanson is a well known musician and producer. He had a recording studio called Reel North productions and along with Dreamkicks 'albums' - We recorded an EP there with money we won from the Battle of the Bands at Trina's in like 1991? and then we recorded 'Naked Left The Bones', which had 7/8 songs on it. He recorded local Masters Of Metal 'Power Syndrome', 'Geordie Haley', 'Jon Fiddler' and well a whole history of Fredericton bands and musicians.. Anyhow, great to see Lloyd!

Then, right as Lloyd and his buddy headed off for a drink, I run into Martha O'Sullivan!

So, when my Bro's and I were kids and living at Elmcroft place, a cul-de-sac off Waterloo Row, ALL of our neighbors as in the kids we grew up with, were all girls. Even blocks away, it was all girls... Ok, there were the Mcinerney's but we didn't get on well with them...

ANYhow! Martha was a childhood friend of my oldest Brother Scott, well, our families were all friends.
Martha was someone we grew up with from like toddlers to teens. I had not seen her since Mom's funeral. So it was really great to see her. Kinda cool to live in the same area that I grew up as a kid and to run into some of the same people I grew up with there.

I wanted to get out for a bit tonight as it's going to rain all day tomorrow and the evening (feel bad for Harvest ticket holders)... and also, it's/...... Methotrexate night! Yayyy I just took them, so in a couple of hours the nausea will begin! Yayyy! Nausea!

Have a great one everyone....

Saturday, September 7, 2019

How are you weathering the storm?

Well, as I uploaded the video the winds really picked up. I also have seen that the outage numbers for NB went from 20,000 an hour or two ago to like over 50,000 at time of typing (9:17pm - atlantic)

Anyhow, the 'storm' wasn't much of a 'storm' here in my area of Fredericton. But I'm hearing it's not going well for others.

My videos is in no way meant to make light of ANYONE's situation.

Which i don't think I do.... But I did screw up the title wording...  Damnit...

Be safe everyone!

Friday, September 6, 2019

The Return Of 'Lil Guy!

Yeah! Crazy, haven't seen the little brother in about a month. This afternoon I thought, 'I wonder if I can get any of these other ones to come feed off my lap...' So as you see in the video, it doesn't work out well, until... Bam, there's 'Lil Guy!

Dorian is still heading our way. It's impossible to tell what's goin to happen at this point. We maybe get 50 to 65k/hr winds or we may get up to 110K/hr winds.. Lots of rain no doubt.

I replenished my Emergency Kit today. Last evening I had gone through the kit and found that ALL of the First Aid ointments, alcohol swipes, everything, even the water purification tablets  all, expired... lol Like expired in 2000, 2003...
So I got all new stuff to replace all that had expired.
I have lol...A LOT of water stored. 4 2L milk jugs with water put through the Brita filter plus the Brita jug itself. And 2 4Liter milk jugs of tap water and a further 3 more 2L milk jugs with water... LOL my water will probably be fine! But hey! If not, I got loads of water!

Like I said, this storm won't even be a 'storm'... it'll be a non story......

HEY! Harvest Jazz and Blues! Man, I remember the good ol early days of the festival.

1991 Dreamkick were starting our path to slaying as many bars as they'd let us play. It's always been a fantastic festival. I always loved it and the 'First Night Celebration', which was a New Years eve annual festival... Can't remember how many years it ran for, but they nuked it. Guess crowds didn't much like having to trudge around the city from venue to venue in -20 weather or sidewalks of ice.

Anyhow,. Tim and the Capital Project crew have done some series on the local music biz and for this years Harvest Jazz & Blues 'fest they've interviewed some of, no, not even some of, they interviewed THE biggest Blues and Jazz names the city has to offer (not all of them, but a pretty decent group!)

Check out Episodes 1 & 2:

And part II (which I was a camera person for!)

Thursday, September 5, 2019

"I Ain't Gunna Tell Ya I Toe-da-so, But I Toeda-so!"

That quote is from the Trailer Park Boys 'Ricky'.... He don't speak Maritime all that well and kinda mixes up his words with other words... to make a whole new Ricky language....

But, I digress!

Last Sunday, Monday, I told my neighbors and friends, 'Watch next Saturday, because that hurricane down South, it's got our name on it.

Now, I'm a bit of a weather nerd. I walk a lot, so weather and what it's REALLY gonna do is important to me.

And I know, the weather people suck. They can't tell if it's gonna frost or the grass is gonna be on fire.

But if you go to multiple weather outlets and collate the information together, you can get a better idea of what MIGHT happen.

So I use '' as a major weather source for major approaching systems, last Saturday, hurricane Dorian wasn't aimed to hit Fredericton dead on, but we all know what happened with Arthur.
So, windy, has three models of forecast you can look into the future weather with. There's a lot of satellites, and all kinds of sensors in the ocean and on land, plus the storm chaser planes that fly through the hurricanes, so while predicting what a hurricane can and will do is somewhat ... hmm better? Than it used to be, it's still not an exact science.

Where 'Dorian' MAY be Saturday, August 7th according to's forecast models

Based on the 3 models at the hurricane itself will NOT hit us.. BUT, it could, as hurricanes can change their directions on a whim sometimes. In fact, it could veer out to sea in the next 3 hours and we might not even get a drop of rain.. BUT,,, That's not likely to happen... Just it could.

So I at this point do not think that hurricane Dorian is gonna hit us or even give us that much of a problem.. and ya wanna know why right? Well it's because I'm prepared LOL.. When I'm ready for a major storm, they often do not come to fruition...

I'm all stocked up, even have enough water for pretty much 5/6 days. Food too...

Anyhoo... Hang tight, if you do not have an emergency kit, get one, Get water, get your food and protect your home and family!~

Don't listen to me lol, Stock up on anything and everything you think you might need for up to a week.... The more OVER PREPARED you are the BETTER!!

Where 'Dorian' is at right now (Thurs Sept 5 3:50PM AT)

Monday, September 2, 2019

1St Of September Madness!

So this video begins on the 1st of September into the 2nd.

Oh, yes, there's chipmunks in this video, also I lament over the imminent death of my CCM backpack.... and... Chipmunks!|

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Just Had An Awesome Idea!!

Facebook Live the chipmunks! I'll give it a whirl. I believe it can be done! We have the technology!

Got some great footage for tonight's 'episode'.... Also, what do you lol 6 people think of '100 Videos In 100 Days'?
It'd be a commitment by me to to a video each day for 100 days. I mean, I do a lot anyhow, but this would be anything.. Might be a 30second clip to oh 45 minutes.... Anyone down for me to take that challenge?

Had this song in my head all day today.. Except I change the chorus lyrics to: 'I don't want to chase the squirrels, I don't want the squirrels to chase me'......

Stay tuned...