Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Pursuit of Happiness with less pain

In the Winter of 2000, my body began to change. What caused the change, caustic chemicals we worked with in the Special FX Makeup Industry, for some reason I have a vague memory of my Brother and I playing with mercury from a thermometer, but I cannot remember whether we physically touched the mercury or not. So, back to where I began. within 6 months of the onset of these changes I found myself having to use a wheelchairs and crutches to get around. Over a year later I was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis. What began in my feet has spread through most parts of my body, including my knees, hands, elbows, hips. Small cracks in my ribs from when they broke years ago, also swell up. I've lived with chronic pain for nearly 15 years now. Everyday, every waking moment. Many friends comment on my ability to "cope" with all this pain. They say my out look is inspiring to others, but to me, I'm just living. I have to. I succumbed to my pain for too many years. When you wallow in self pity and despair it not only effects you but it affects your relationships with friends and family. No one wants to hear anyone whine and go on and on about their suffering. I've been through so much, now it's just a matter of getting on with life, just doing the best I can.
I'm in pain when I'm sitting, standing, sleeping, walking, all - the - time.

I've been lucky enough, sometimes with having the finances to escape away to places with hot dry weather and this is very beneficial to me. When I've been in Nevada and Arizona, my inflammation and pain subsided quite substantially. When I was in Egypt in 2010, the changes where near miraculous. I'd rather not go to the US. Nothing against the Country, it's just not for me. It's very difficult to get into the US and live, let alone go there for a few months at a time and returning here.
Egypt, where I'd dream to live is of course embroiled with the fall out from the Arab Spring. IS and the Muslim brotherhood are the top of the ever present dangers of being a foreigner living in Egypt. Albeit it several sources I am in contact with say that the Southern parts of the country, Aswan, Luxor etc... are relatively safe. They tell you not to travel by land, but recommend flying in and flying out of those areas. When I was on my 16 day tour of Egypt, my guide said that it could be quite lucrative for me to teach English there as many officials, professors, teachers, tour guides as they all want to be more than proficient in speaking English, it's very embarrassing for them to pronounce anything incorrectly.
So for now, I wait, I watch, I look for jobs, I look for "ins" to get myself there someday. On my Long Term Disability, I can go anywhere on the planet and still receive the benefits, I just have some restrictions that I'd have to attend to in order to keep that disability, albeit, if I found work and it was stable and steady, I could maybe leave the LTD and just live a "normal" life.
My doctors say that too much damage has occurred in my joints to ever be "pain free", even if my arthritis was cured or went into remission, I'd still be in pain.
All I've ever wanted is financial stability, that's it and I'm not talking about being a millionaire here, I just mean being able to live without the fear of debt or poverty.
Some day, one day I will attain it.

The other day I ran into a friend of mine who also has a disability, he's an artist and a very talented one at that. We were talking about our ambitions, our abilities and our futures and he suddenly turned to me and said, "So, we could make it, do what we've always wanted, excel at it, but we're both hindered by our disabilities to go all the way" and it's true. I know, I have what it takes to excel at whatever I want to do. I've come so close to major success before, but have had it snatched away by not only my disability but also by lack of discipline and focus. I'm not sure if the lack of discipline could be entirely blamed upon my arthritis. I've been fervently educating myself on discipline and focus and it's not a goal, it's not something one can earn or atone to, it's just there and all one has to do is do it... For many years, during my years of fear with anxiety, OCD and agoraphobia my motto was 'Feel the fear and do it anyways', with my "years of fear" behind me, the motto has been altered to fit my present disadvantage and I say, 'Feel the pain and do it anyways', because like I said, the pain is always there.

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