Friday, March 8, 2013

Spring Forward, Fall Back

Yes, yes, I am so very excited!! This weekend the time goes ahead, so that we have more daylight! Today's been a beautiful day, but the wicked, mean, hateful North wind is still trying to get in it's last hurrah!~ In the Sun, you can feel it's warmth, in the shade you feel the bite. More Spring-like temperatures are heading our way, as in about 4 days from now, we'll have temps up around +8 +9 C.
Everything has a double edge here. In the Winter it's bitter and cold for me, in the Summer it's too hot and humid for Alita. I've been trying to think of ways of keeping her cool on our walks in the Summer.. Maybe I guess hosing her down before we go out. I'd thought if I had the money of some kind of "coolant suit", but I ain't got money to buy or invent one of those... I always carry water with us on hot days, even mild to warm days. The Sun hitting her back might as well be hitting solar panel...

You know, a few months ago, if someone had told me that I'd be eating yogurt, I'd have told em to shove it! But ever since I had the antibiotics that I needed to eat yogurt so I'd not get some stomach bug, I'm hooked...I've also realized that the flavor I didn't like at first has grown on me and the blue berry is my fav, taking a back seat to raspberry. I can only eat two flavors as I'm allergic to the rest. Now if they made a watermelon flavor, that might be great.

Seem's the weights and the exercises I've started doing lately are paying off. When I went to carefully lift the tub of kitty litter at the grocery store, I paused for a moment and set it down thinking I had grabbed a smaller tub or that someone had emptied out some of the one I was lifting. It was much lighter than it had been... So that's good, I knew i'd see results from the exercise pretty quick. The physio therapy I've received thus far has no gym time. I heard back from the YMCA and they've accepted my application for the years pass. Which reminds me, I gots to call them!

Well, hopefully it'll be still nice out after I get up from a nap here. Maybe actually get the camera out with us for the first time in 2013!

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