Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Post 'staycation' at my Bro's

So from March 11 to yesterday March 19th, I was house sitting my Brother's place in Saint John and also dog sitting his girlfriends American Eskimo dog 'Star'.
Was a pretty good get away, Alita came with me, it's always so much better when she can tag along. Then I have no worry's about her, nor have to place the responsibility on anyone else. Elsa had the whole apartment to herself and seemed to make it through my absence unscathed.

Old man Winter threw in a couple "last hurrah's" over the last week, with chilly temperatures and strong North winds. Then today, we had a pretty huge snowfall. It's not too bad as the temperatures reasonable and will remain mostly above zero in the daytime for the next week or so.

I got my pass for the Y, so I'll be starting to go to the pool and gym next week. I'm pretty stoked for that, it'll keep me a little more occupied, social and have good excercise.

Dis is all for now, time to sleep...

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