Monday, March 25, 2013

War Ensemble

Had a great time on Saturday night. Local Metaller's 'Hero's Last Rite' invited me up to perform a cover song with them. It was quite an honor has the guys in the band are no novices. Tim Gorman in particular, who was an inspiration and local idol in my early forays into the local music scene. Despite being a "metalhead", Tim joined local Hard Core punk rock hero's Neighborhood Watch. I used to sit on the stairs at their jam house and watch them practice, picking up tips and ideas for promoting and having a successful band.
Years later when I was playing in Dreamkick, at one show a young lad named Steve MacDonald asked me for some advice on having a band. Though I don't recall this particular encounter with Steve, I apparently was very nice, very open about my advice to him. Talking a few months ago, Steve offered up the idea of coming up and doing a song with them. I was totally gungho for the idea from the start.
 I started reallly practicing the SLAYER song from Season's in the Abyss, right after coming back from my 'staycation' at my Bro's place in Saint John. I've known the song for years, I listened to it from the year the album came out and it's one of those songs that's in your head, you know the words (or at least you think you do) like your second hand.
Back in Dreamkick days, we used to play some 30 songs a night, memorizing a lot of them took a lot of time and practice. I tried to combine some old methods with some new methods of practicing the song to get it into my head. I didn't want to make myslef look like a total ass and novice on stage with these guys, for their sake and mine. I went online to see if i could find a copy of the track minus the vocals. I didn't quite find what I wanted, but came across this young guitar players "version" of War Ensemble". It's not the best quality, but I wasn't looking for quality here. I wanted to practice singing the song without falling back on Tom Araya's vocals. This guys video did just the trick! I had written the lyrics out 3 times over a couple days. Listened to the song back to back pretty much when i was out with Alita.
Steve and I had talked about me rehearsing the song at the bands last practice for the show. That didn't pan out, so we left it to their sound check to run through it.
The band didn't have their sound check until about 9:30 at the bar, "The cellar". By that time, quite a few people were in the bar (not necessarily for the bands) and we didn't really announce what was going down when I did the practice run through. So needless to say, the rehearsal was pretty much a train crash, monitors not working, causing people to not hear where they were made the song anything but smooth.
I had to laugh at 10:30 when the HLR took to the stage and Steve was singing for them. People who had been around for my "run through" were probably thinking, "Jeeez, good thing they got rid of that other guy!!" But after HLR's song 'I Am Atomic', I was back on stage and we ripped through the song which went A LOT smoother than the practice... My mic cord was snagged under other cables and around the corner of the monitor, so I ended up, kinda hunched over for most of the song. I didn't want to derail my thoughts with freeing up the mic cord in my thought's over the song's lyrics. But we did it! You can see the clips my friend Jen took here. So far no photo's have surfaced. I didn't bring my cam, as my friends that were going would much rather be boppin around, head banging instead of the duty of capturing the performance and protecting my camera. The only crappy thing about the vid is the sound quality.

Finally and I'll say it, Spring has sprung. I believe we've left the temperatures of -10 and below behind. Temps have still been cool, but it's been because of the North wind trying to maintain it's strangle hold on warm weather. we've had some nice Sunny days, but the temps of +5 have been pushed to below freezing because of that damned wind! Sunnier warmer days are ahead.

There's been no headway in the Type II collagen search yet. Kinda back burnered it until I got back from my Bro's and had also hoped to have my Y gym pass, but some stupid fuckery of course has thrust a blade into that hip. So in the next few days here, I'm going to try and nail down the pass, I've got to go see my Doc and it's that time of month to pay bills (I've got bill phobia), I'm scared to open my power bill, but it should be less than the last months. I'm pretty sure that if I could get a portable furnace like my Bro has, I could really reduce costs here and actually not have to move out. We'll see what the Spring brings. University's almost out, so some places around should free up soon. I have to say, I love my neighbors, you couldn't ask for better ones, this place is convenient and really not too shabby.

In April here, my good friend and former bandmate Doug Gibbon and his band Alter Ego are going to be having an "anniversary" gig at the Oromocto legion. Doug had a benefit last year as he battled (and won) a fight against cancer. It was the one that Chris G hooked me up through Skype and I actually "attended" the benefit.
So this show is an anniversary gig. Should be a blast, the Oromocto, Burton, Geary folk know how to have a great time!

Stay cool!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Post 'staycation' at my Bro's

So from March 11 to yesterday March 19th, I was house sitting my Brother's place in Saint John and also dog sitting his girlfriends American Eskimo dog 'Star'.
Was a pretty good get away, Alita came with me, it's always so much better when she can tag along. Then I have no worry's about her, nor have to place the responsibility on anyone else. Elsa had the whole apartment to herself and seemed to make it through my absence unscathed.

Old man Winter threw in a couple "last hurrah's" over the last week, with chilly temperatures and strong North winds. Then today, we had a pretty huge snowfall. It's not too bad as the temperatures reasonable and will remain mostly above zero in the daytime for the next week or so.

I got my pass for the Y, so I'll be starting to go to the pool and gym next week. I'm pretty stoked for that, it'll keep me a little more occupied, social and have good excercise.

Dis is all for now, time to sleep...

Friday, March 8, 2013

Spring Forward, Fall Back

Yes, yes, I am so very excited!! This weekend the time goes ahead, so that we have more daylight! Today's been a beautiful day, but the wicked, mean, hateful North wind is still trying to get in it's last hurrah!~ In the Sun, you can feel it's warmth, in the shade you feel the bite. More Spring-like temperatures are heading our way, as in about 4 days from now, we'll have temps up around +8 +9 C.
Everything has a double edge here. In the Winter it's bitter and cold for me, in the Summer it's too hot and humid for Alita. I've been trying to think of ways of keeping her cool on our walks in the Summer.. Maybe I guess hosing her down before we go out. I'd thought if I had the money of some kind of "coolant suit", but I ain't got money to buy or invent one of those... I always carry water with us on hot days, even mild to warm days. The Sun hitting her back might as well be hitting solar panel...

You know, a few months ago, if someone had told me that I'd be eating yogurt, I'd have told em to shove it! But ever since I had the antibiotics that I needed to eat yogurt so I'd not get some stomach bug, I'm hooked...I've also realized that the flavor I didn't like at first has grown on me and the blue berry is my fav, taking a back seat to raspberry. I can only eat two flavors as I'm allergic to the rest. Now if they made a watermelon flavor, that might be great.

Seem's the weights and the exercises I've started doing lately are paying off. When I went to carefully lift the tub of kitty litter at the grocery store, I paused for a moment and set it down thinking I had grabbed a smaller tub or that someone had emptied out some of the one I was lifting. It was much lighter than it had been... So that's good, I knew i'd see results from the exercise pretty quick. The physio therapy I've received thus far has no gym time. I heard back from the YMCA and they've accepted my application for the years pass. Which reminds me, I gots to call them!

Well, hopefully it'll be still nice out after I get up from a nap here. Maybe actually get the camera out with us for the first time in 2013!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Coming up on the bad girls club...

Yeah, ok, everyone's entitled to some trash TV!
Man, the last couple weeks have been brutal. I don't th ink the methotrexate is doing much other than killing me. My ankles feel like they are going to break, my necks been tightening up more and more each day.
An X-Files -ish  type event has occurred with this whole Type II collagen venture. I call "Aura" and talk to their "go to " guy about collagen, and I'm telling him I couldn't find what I was looking for on the website his partner gave me the other day. So I suggest they to the Westcoast Naturals website because I know that I saw what I wanted there the other day. So, on the phone with this guy and he's going through the site and cannot find it anywhere... So, I get on my laptop and I go through the site and the stuff is freakin gone! What the hell?? After I finish the phone call, go back to my laptop and go into my history folder and find where about a week ago and find the link that took me to the Type II collagen product on the W|C Naturals site and click it... Page 404. Page not found... So what happened in the last few days, that they would have taken that product off the site. Not only that, but last week I also called them to inquire about the product I'm looking for. Now when I call the number goes to the FAX line and I made sure a couple of times, I even called the FAX line number, nothing, all go to FAX lines... Like what the hell!!!

FINALLY warmer weather is upon us. I'll be honest, I sure as hell didn't like that Winter. In the next few days, even by weeks end we'll see high of +8°C. Over the last few days, it's been around the 0° mark, but we've had wind out of the North East and so it's been below 0, but much more bearable.

Hung out with some old friends the other night, actually turned into somewhat of a small reunion. It's good to be back amongst old friends, though I miss my West Coast one's as much as someone would miss their Brothers or Sisters.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

SpaceX Dragon capsule "Live" capture happening now! 5:56AM EST

Man SpaceX (The company supplying the capsule in this mission) has really got it in the bag! Their capsule is currently the only means of sending scientific experiments completed on the International Space Station back to Earth. As all other service capsules burn up upon returning to Earth's atmosphere. The Russian service module does not have the features the Space X Dragon capsule has to return experiments safely to the ground.

If you see this post now, you can watch "Live" video of the capture HERE
NASA's homepage is also no doubt carrying live footage on NASATV as well.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Will the Bubble Burst?

Wait a second here...Somethin ain't right... Ok, looks fine haha... The bookmark I have for this blog is from an older version of this Internet "Blogger"... So I clicked dashboard and it looked like it might have been a separate account, but in figuring it out, it was the first post of the month of March...And here I thought it was the 28th!

Been noticing less activity from my friends on Facebook, less people logged in, less posts and requests for you to join some stupid game. Is it the end of Facebook>? What would people move onto? Google's social media applications and websites?

We didn't get as much snow as they "forecast"  for this area of the Province, it's certainly nice and mild out.l

No plans for the weekend, other than hopefully later today I'll get over to the Naturalist store and pick up the Type II collagen and begin to see how that works for me. It would mean the World to me if it actually helped my arthritis, I'd much much much stumble across something like this, than take the biologicals.
I'd like to kick all the pharmaceuticals in my body within a 5 yr time. I'm 40 now and I've been taking some of the medications for a long long time. At some point, something's gotta give. I'd like to kick all this shit and at least see what happens. I'm tired of the reliance on Government for my medications.