Tuesday, August 20, 2019

TOOL's 'Fear Inoculum' & Alita (My dog, not the Anime character)

I'm a huge fan of the band TOOL... See, you have to write it like that, because there's smart-asses out there who will go, "Ohhh you like TOOLS do you?" or some shit like that....

I've been eagerly awaiting the new album, for years and even more so since we learned it was recorded, mixed/mastered and pre -orders FINALLY appeared!

So I thought AWESOME! I'll pre-order the album from Amazon, as I have a gift card for like $50, if it's more than that Canadian, then I'll use Paypal to pay off the difference... Go, order the exclusive, limited run super duper LED... Wait, let them explain the CD packaging:

"That’s because the album packaging has a lot of bells and whistles, including a 4” HD rechargeable screen with exclusive video footage, charging cable, 2-watt speaker, a 36-page book, and a code to download an MP3 edition of the album that’s listed as being ten minutes longer than the physical edition. Even for Tool, who have a history of making awesome album packaging, this thing is a beast." - MetalSucks

So it's like almost $70 cdn once the shipping, taxes, bla bla... Anyhow.. Amazon don't use PayPal! Well fuck!

So, I thought about it for a couple weeks and I'm SOOOOO glad the other day, I went back to a music resource I've had since I was a teenager... Backstreet Records, Fredericton's longest running indie music store!
I called up Eric, explained my problem and the addition that I don't use a credit card and he ordered the pre-order for me! And today I read... It looks like it's sold out!! So I may have slipped in, just squeaked by and made it into the pre-orders... If I didn't happen to get in for the pre-order then I'll be happy getting the album any other way, I think there's vinyl coming.. So if all else fails I'll at least have one TOOL album on vinyl...

I've been looking for some previews of the packaging, but so far there's nothing... Wish the band would even post something, I'm guessing they'd at least have some mock ups... something!!!

The new single is most excellent. Check it out here:  (I like this one because it's got the lyrics)

Slowly but surely I've started to root through my stuff, looking for anything I can throw away...So far so good, got the main room of the basement cleared of junk that was old and not used, now I just have to get new boxes, wipe down a lot of stuff and throw out the old boxes. 

But as I was going through stuff today, I found Alita's old harness and a few leads, her raincoat which she always looked so sad wearing... Which I threw out it all... But... I couldn't get rid of the harness... I don't even know why... it's useless to me, but it's a piece of her and even though I've gotten rid of most everything she had, I can't bring myself to throw this harness out.

And what would the day be without some chipmunks..... And some great footage of Elsa sleeping... be sure to not skip through the video or you might miss the chipmunk climbing up my leg... And that was it's idea not mine lol....

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