Thursday, April 11, 2019

Dang It You Kids! That Black Metal Music!

So back in the 1980's in Norway, there emerged a Heavy Metal scene, that would eventually spark a whole new genre in Heavy Metal, Norwegian Black Metal.
I won't go into it's full history, suffice to say that in the late 1980's there was a slew of church burnings around Norway. In the end it would turn at that members of the Black Metal scene had formed an ideology, some parts of it DID break off into neo nazi-eque like groups, but for the most part these teens saw christianity as an invader that had overstayed it's welcome. Learning about their ancient past and their ancient gods and how in tune they had once been to the planet and nature and then to have that way of life completely decimated by the christians, to have their sacred mounds 'renovated' with and I do mean this, with absolutely stunning christian churches and killing men, women and children.. Just taking over and they wanted to take back their heritage so as "revenge" for their people, they began to burn down these churches.

Now SOME of the kids were Satanists, but for the most part the 'satanic imagery' was used more as a scare tactic than a serious belief system for this.

Recently a film called 'Lords of Chaos' came out, starring Macaulay Culkin's brother Rory, it looked at one of the most shocking stories to come out of the birth of this Norwegian Black Metal scene.

So not that any 'fan' of Black Metal or Norwegian Black Metal wouldn't know this birth story, one of a band called Mayhem and their twisted path to infamy, which is alleged to include being part and parcel to this string of church burnings back in the day...

So just months after the release of this film, this happens in the US:

Black Metal Fan Charged In Connection With String Of Fires At Churches In Louisiana

According to ABC News, a 21-year-old man who had ties to the black metal scene, has been arrested in connection to three fires at black churches in Louisiana.

Holden Matthews is suspected of setting the fires over a span of 10 days. He is being held in St. Landry Parrish jail on three counts of simple arson of a religious building.

Louisiana State Fire Marshal H. "Butch" Browning told ABC News that "we're still vetting several motives," but added that they have found that Matthews had ties to "black metal and its association and history with church burnings in other parts of the world."

Matthews was arrested after investigators found a gas can at the scene of one of the fires and traced it back to a local Walmart and linked it to Matthews's credit card.

According to The Daily Beast, a Facebook page that appeared to belong to Matthews showed he was active in pagan and black metal pages, and that he commented on two memes about far-right former neo-Nazi metal musician Varg Vikernes, who served 15 years in prison for killing a fellow metal musician and burning churches in Norway. Matthews was also the lead singer for a band called VODKA VULTURES, according to CBS News.

Three churches suffered devastating fires: St. Mary Baptist Church on March 26, Greater Union Baptist on April 2, and Mount Pleasant Baptist Church on April 4. All three churches are historically black and in the St. Landry Parish, which is nearly 42 percent black.

And in the flavor of the blog, here's some Norwegian Black Metal Gaahls WYRD -'Gaahl' is the doods name...

And to be honest, that's not a 'true' representation of 'Norwegian Black Metal', YES, it is Norwegian, but most band's singer's don't sing 'clean' like that.... They usually 'sing' like this:

'Mayhem' is said to be the infant of Norwegian Black Metal.... That guy in the YouTube thumbnail? That WAS their singer... I say 'was' because, he blew his head off with a shotgun and then his guitarist, who found his body, instead of calling the EMT's or cops, went and got a camera and took photos of his 'dead' singer, posing the rifle and a knife in the photo... Oh, did I mention before blowing his head off, he had managed to slit his own wrists.. Both of them.....

Anyhow, one of the photo's became the band's album cover oh, what's that you ask? What was the 'singer's' name?...... 'DEAD' - That was the name this kid adopted for his stage name.

Just want to say that as much as I dislike christianity and religions, I do NOT condone the vandalism or burning of any religious grounds or structures. \EVEN if, other religions have destroyed previous religions sacred areas or relics or wiped out their religion completely.

I DO appreciate history and art. It's a tough one... Anyhow, don't wreck shit in the name of our music genre, it's fucking dumb.

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