Monday, November 27, 2017

New Music (And other news)....

A couple weeks ago, just browsing around on Youtube, I saw this band in the side bar called 'Heilung'... Just the thumbnail caught my attention, it was very 'pagan' looking.... 'Interesting' I thought.... For some reason, though I didn't click on that thumbnail, the 'Heilung' video remained in the sidebar until yesterday (Nov.26.2017) I clicked on it.....

So, Heilung, according to their bandcamp page hail from Denmark, a music page on the band describes them as follows:

"Heilung is sounds from the northern european iron age and viking period. We used everything from running water, human bones, reconstructed swords and shields up to ancient frame drums and bronze rings in the songs.
The lyrics contain original texts from rune stones and preserved spear shafts, amulets and other artifacts. Furthermore poems, which either deal with historical events or are translations/ interpretations of the originals.
Every attempt to link the music to modern political or religious points are pointless, since Heilung tries to connect the listener to the time before Christianity and its political offsprings raped and burned itself into the northern European mentality.
Heilung means healing in German and describes the core of the sound. It is supposed to leave the listener eased and relaxed after a sometimes turbulent musical journey."

And what a band they are! Mystical, mesmerizing and majical! This I believe is part of the 'Norse revolution' to return to their roots.

Like so many countries and civilizations on the planet, the Norse were taken over by the 'christians', they had their religion appropriated and their customs demolished..... In some Norse countries the rejection of christianity has taken horrific turns, albeit I believe in no 'god', it was still shocking to see 'Norwegian satanists' burning down century old, magnificent christian churches. As much as I've detested christian and extremist muslims destroying historical sites, such as the 'Buddhas of Bamiyan' and while in Egypt in 2010 I saw the defacing of many ancient Egyptian temples by christian hands.... I don't like the destruction of historic sites, religious or not...

Yet I digress, in Denmark, 'Heilung' has taken to the war in the form of music and it's beautiful, wondrous, fascinating music

BAH! Unfortunately, It wouldn't let me link to the full concert, so, if you dig that video, check out the full show here:

lol and now my text won't change back to 'normal'..... Anyhow... Be sure to check out this band.

Before I left CHSR, I had the pleasure of meeting two relatively new bands, one from Halifax, Nova Scotia, called 'Dazor' and their bandcamp can be found here:
And 'Melonvine' from Moncton, New Brunswick. The fascinating thing about both bands is their sound is very 'Grunge'-like and the best part is, it doesn't seem to be on purpose. It could very well be their parents music had influenced their writing, 'Dazor' does cover the Smashing Pumpkins 'Cherub Rock' (as a 3-piece and it still ROCKS).... So check out these bands, you won't be disappointed...
Here's the link to 'Melonvine's' Bandcamp page:

In other news, I had a message from the director/producer of 'The Wasteland Zombies' music video for 'Kill Scene - Zombie Nation'... 
It was last January when the band and film crew drove to Moncton to shoot the music video at the 'Zombie Manor' a massive indoor zombie scare house just outside of the city of Moncton. The video had a second shooting day for the 'story-line', which involved some seriously scary models... The director had written to let me know that they had shot some pick up shots that will tie up the loose ends of the video and it will be back into a new editors hands. Because the video is part of this director's film 'Kill Scene', it was never the BAND's video, it's part of the movie and will make up part of the trailer for the film. 
Also because it's part of the movie, I can't say when it will be released. Jared Carney of 'Creeker Films' is an independent film maker and is going on a low/no budget but has already filmed several stories that will make up this multi-storied feature length film.
I also talked to the guys in the band and we're planning to record our two last originals we wrote, 'The Fire Breathing Liar' as well as 'Anubis Rising' sometime in March/April 2018. This will probably be the last project I do with the 'Wasteland Zombies' as I've lost the heart to continue to do live shows and continue on with the band. 

Today it was cold and we got some snow on the ground. Pretty much just a 'dusting', but it was snow.... I've told myself, 'that no matter the temperature', I've got to get outside and walk any day that I can. Leaving the station took away a major daily regime of exercise, as I used to walk up to the station almost every day, rain or shine, snow or blizzard... So, now I've got to keep up that walking as it also will help me acclimatize to the weather, as sure as the Sun rises each day, it's going to get a helluva lot colder!

February can't come soon enough!

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