Thursday, February 28, 2013

Snowmageddon Part like 20 or something

Ok, ok, that's an exaggeration, but this Province, well Atlantic Canada has seen it's share of snow storm's this Winter.
"Come back home", My friends and family said. "The Winter's arn't like they used to be", they chimed. "It's not as cold and the last two Winters, we've had very little snow", they said....
This Winter's seen not record breaking temps, but certainly cold and severe temperatures and weather... But I'm hangin in here, the temperatures the last two weeks at least have been mostly around 0°'s. That I can handle and don't mind at all. 

Dad's wrapped up his stay here in Fredericton and is on to his bridge tournament and will pop in Monday for lunch before he's off to Kingston again. It's been great to see him, he's helped me out quite a lot. Got a lot of stuff done, things I needed to get, gotten. I don't take this for granted at all. 

Hopefully tomorrow I'll get down to this local health food store and pick up a bottle of undenatured type II collagen they ordered in for me. This is said to teach your molecules to recognize collagen as a "friend" instead of "foe". My body and many with inflammatory diseases, recognizes collagen as a hostile foreign body and then there's either an allergic reaction or on my case inflammatory response. The type II collagen, if it works, should eliminate my inflammation and pain. Though my former rheumatologist out West said that even if they cured my disease tomorrow, because of the damages done to my body, i'd likely be in chronic pain, "all my life". 

The walk-in clinic doctor I've corralled for my own GP, has refereed me to a pain specialist, who deals with medical marijuana applications for |Canadian citizens. So, hopefully with my extensive medical history I'll be eligible for that, and can do things like cook, or like a Youtube video I saw lately, take marijuana juice from juicing buds and leaves. There's no psychoactive response when marijuana is juiced, the psychoactive property's of marijuana are released when it's heated up. My present rheumatologist, the evil and pent up Dr. Eckart doesn't support this, but I'd like to attempt it as a last ditch attempt before I sign my death sentence with a biological. I know that's a lil hostile, but the stuff scares the piss out of me. I don't believe that these biological meds have had enough years behind them, to show something very drastic can and maybe happen to the patient.

Winter's almost done and I long for the warmth of Spring and Summer. I'd like to think that I can get out of this place to somewhere warm in the next year, but I think that's more of a dream than a reality. I sometime's think about reaching or trying to reach out to some kind of billionaire and ask for help. The hitch of living some place warmer than any of the climate's offered in Canada, is that every 6 months I have to come back for like 6 months or a day or something. That's just not financially feasible for me. 
But I carry on, ever onward, because there's no way back from here....

1 comment:

  1. well we certainly appreciate having you here bro. Sorry I don't get up to see ya as often as I'd like but you are MUCH closer than ever. Spring is almost here for sure. We'll get ya south some day when prices drop right out :)
