Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Feral Cats Update: Ghost Returns

So, Tobias is still sporadic in his feeding times. No more early morning visits. I have to say this, I HAVE to try to get him to a morning schedule. I've already had two 'run ins' with Elsa either smelling Tobias or like last night (Jan 14th) Elsa actually seeing him... Both of these instances Elsa got irate. Her tail fluffs up and her hackles are rising. She isn't growling, but she knows something is up.

IF, I were to catch Tobias at night I'd have to deal with Elsa 'knowing' that there is a cat in the room downstairs. If I had another room, I'd put Elsa in there until the cat is gone from the house.

I've also noticed that Tobias reeks of urine. I don't know if he was sprayed or is laying in/on whatever he's peeing on... It's very very bad. So that is another alarm for Elsa, she'll smell that, I'm surprised she can't smell it when she's by the front door.

Anyhow, hoping to get Tobias back to mornings, then I can make this all as easy for all of us as possible.

Ghost is like on a 5/7 day schedule. I don't know if he has a home and just gets out every now and then or possibly has a huge 'territory' and makes it's way back here at the end of that journey. I just don't know. I do know he/she's always been way way more skittish than Tobias.

Last night I went out for a smoke and I took a bag of treats with me and shook it once I was outside. After a few minutes Ghost shows up and slowly but surely, each time tossing treats closer and closer to my steps until Ghost was on the bottom step and going for the 2nd step when Tobias ruined this moment again.
Tobias shelters under my garage, he's there when it's not too cold and when he knows I'll be out to get treats from, but there's 'openings' all around the garage and as I was just about to lure Ghost onto another step, Ghost heard Tobias and became distracted by him under the garage. I couldn't hear Tobias, but Ghost could.
Short vid.

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